Joe Imagine: Friend With Benefits Pt. 2

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You watched as the many messages from Joe came in to your phone. You wanted to answer them, but you knew you couldn't.

Why did Joe have to fall in love with you anyway?!

When a knock came from your apartment door, you groaned knowing who it was.

"Stay out!" You called from the living room.

"(Y/N), you have to talk to me." Joe yelled back, pounding on the door harder.

"Just go home Joe. You're making this harder than it has to be."

"Hey, the word 'friends' is included in friends with benefits." You stood up and opened the door.

"Talk fast because then I want you gone." You said softly.

"I didn't mean to say what I said okay. It's just...I love your company. I love that your my friend. I love that you can make me laugh and smile when no one else can. This, by no way, means that I love you." Joe explained desperately. He scanned your face for any sign of a reaction and smiled when you took his hand in yours.

"Joe...that sounds like total bullshit." You deadpanned.

"Listen, even if it is, I knew what I was getting into when we started our arrangement. I'll push my feeling away if I have to."

"I don't want this Joe!" You yelled, tears springing in your eyes, the emotion evident in your voice.

"There's something you're not telling me." Joe frowned.

"I...I...I can't be with you Joe. I'll never be able to be with you, okay! Don't love me. Love someone who you have a chance with!" You pleaded.


"Please don't make me explain."

"I'll never get closure unless I know."

"...I'm no good for you."

"(Y/N), are you kidding me? You don't get to decide what's good for me first of all, and second of all...I'm willing to take my chances with you." You started sobbing into your hands and Joe moved over to comfort you.

"I'm scared of commitment, okay. I always wondered why I was never able to keep a boyfriend and I saw some professionals. I doesn't work out because I don't let it. I always find someway to make either myself or the person the bad guy. I agreed to our agreement because I like you, but I never want to date you and screw things up. I'm just a fuck up." You cried.

"Shut up (Y/N). You're no fuck up, okay. You're afraid of commitment. That's no problem to me. As long as you're only seeing me and we're still friends, that would be enough. I love you." Joe whispered into your ear. You turned to Joe and connected your lips to his.

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