Andy Imagine: Why The Hell Am I Blushing? Pt.2

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Pete was throwing a party and he invited you. Now, in your 15 years of life experience, you had never been to a party where the person who invited you was your friend and also throwing the party. This gave you all access to anyone at the party, not just one clique! School was just weird like that.

When you arrived at the party, you wore a olive green shirt and black leggings along with your black boots.

"(Y/N)! I thought you weren't gonna make it for a second love!" Pete exclaimed, hugging you.

"It would be rude if I didn't." You shrugged. Pete released you from your hug as he saw his crush, Meagan walking by.

"Gotta blast sunshine." He said before leaving you alone. You stood still, looking around at the different people in the room, when an arm wrapped itself around your shoulders.

"Look at you, outta the house!" Andy cheered next to you. You looked over at him and rolled your eyes.

"I can leave the house whenever I want. I just choose not to since it lessens my chances of seeing your face." You smirked.

"Bro, why you gotta violate me like that?" Andy whined. You laughed and felt yourself blush a little bit.


"So, do you dance?" Andy asked.

"Not usually." You replied.

"Wanna make an exception for me?"

"I guess I can." Andy smiled and took your hand in his as he pulled you close. You two swayed the the music from the speakers for about 10 minutes in comfortable silence. Then Andy spoke.

"You're eyes. I like them." He said softly.

"Uh, thanks. I got them for my birthday." You laughed. Andy laughed back and rolled his eyes.

"You never fail to charm me, (Y/N) (L/N)." He said affectionately. Under his gaze you felt yourself get warm.

Why is this happening?

To be continued...

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