Andy Imagine: I'm Just Looking Out For You

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Waiting for the school bus outside, you giggled as Brendon tickled your sides. Andy watched with annoyance in his eyes. Not this again, he thought.

You and Brendon were...complicated. One minute you guys were talking, next it would be radio silence for weeks, then talking like nothing had ever changed. Every time Brendon did something that upset you, Andy was your shoulder to cry on. Now, he knew that didn't mean he was entitled to you, but it would be nice if you could just throw some points his way. He could treat you way better than Brendon could.

"Hey, I gotta go. Sarah says she needs a ride home." Brendon said to you. Andy took in a sharp intake of breath. I think we all know what's coming next...

"Sarah?! Are you really still stuck on her Bren? She cheated on you!" You yelled.

"Why do you care? It's not like we're dating or anything." Brendon scoffed (Whoop, there it is). You shook you head and walked away from Brendon. Andy followed behind, ready for your inevitable rant.

"I can't believe him!" You cried.

"I can." Andy sighed.


"I love Brendon and all, but he's an ass to you and you don't deserve it, (Y/N)."

"He's just being a boy. Boys are dumb." Andy groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"I wouldn't do that to you." He pushed. You turned to Andy, tears in your eyes.

"I just...I want Brendon to like me." You sniffled. You left Andy standing alone as you went to walk home.

To be continued...

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