Andy Imagine: Fabian The Ballet Dancer Pt. 2

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You and Andy sat in the third row of the auditorium for Fabian's recital. Patrick, Pete, and Joe were seated next to you guys as well.

"Andy, do you have your camera?" You asked excitedly.

"Yeah." Andy sighed, being that this is the third time you asked.

"I hope we don't miss anything." Pete smiled.

"Same. Diana was so nervous I almost couldn't get her out of the house." Patrick chuckled. You looked over at Andy and saw a slight frown on his face.

"Andy, can I talk to you out in the hall for a minute." You asked softly.

"Sure." Andy replied. You both walked out into the hallway, and you crossed your arms across your chest.

"Why can't you be happy for him?" You asked quietly, trying to keep your voice steady.

"What do you mean?" Andy scoffed.

"You don't wanna be here Andy, anyone can see that, but this is your son. He likes ballet and he wants to see you there in the crowd smiling at him, a real smile."

"(Y/N), this isn't about Fabian doing ballet."

"Then what is it about?"

"That's my son. I never really knew my dad, and I feel like I'm doing the same to Fabian. I never got the chance to really play catch with my dad, fix a car, or just do stuff with him together."


"I know I haven't been all that supportive, but I just wanna fix things with my son. I want that so bad (Y/N)." You threw your arms around Andy's neck and hugged him.

"You are so good to Fabian, Andy. You are an amazing dad to him. Ballet, it's something he wants to do and I like it because it's not the norm, ya know. We live in a time when boys are not expected to do ballet or other "girl things" and vice versa. It just makes me proud to see Fabian ignoring those labels. I want him to be well rounded." You explained.

"I get that, and I support it." You kissed Andy slightly when someone cleared their throat.

"Mr. and Mrs. Hurley, we have a problem with Fabian." The dance instructor said.

"What's wrong?" You asked nervously.

"He doesn't wanna go on, and he's just crying. I tried to calm him down, but he's asking for one of you." She explained.

"I'll go." Andy volunteered. He followed the instructor to Fabian who was sitting in a chair with Diana and Danielle surrounding him, sniffling.

"Fabes, what's going on?" Andy asked, pulling his son into a warm hug.

"I-I'm scared! What if I fall o-or miss my mark and disappoint you and mommy." Fabian sniffled.

"Hey, we can never be disappointed in you. I want you to go out there and have fun Fabian. I want you to have fun doing what you like to do."

"When we go home...can we still go in the garage and see that car you were talking about?" Andy smiled and kissed the top of Fabian's head.

"Of course. Now, get out there and" Andy encouraged. Fabian smiled back and wiped his eyes. He got in his spot and Andy walked back to your seats.

"Is everything okay?" You asked.

"Yeah, everything's great." Andy replied, smiling watching as the curtains opened.

*After the Show*

"You were amazing you guys! Pete take a picture!" You exclaimed. Fabian, Diana, and Danielle stood together, smiling for the picture.

"This is so cute!" Pete squealed.

"Email that to me." You and Patrick both said. Andy picked up Fabian and lightly tickled his side.

"You were great Fabes. I wish I could dance like you." He smiled.

"I made you proud?" Fabian asked hopefully.

"Hey, you always make me proud." You walked over to Andy and Fabian, taking Fabian's hand in yours.

"How are you feeling about a grilled cheese sandwich when we get home?" You asked.

"Yes, please!" Fabian gasped. You and Andy laughed, walking towards the car with your amazing ballet dancer son.

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