Andy Imagine: Mermaids Aren't Real...Right?

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A/N: If you see some Little Mermaid similarities, don't be surprised haha.

"This is stupid Pete." Andy sighed, wanting nothing more than to just go home.

"We're bonding Andy. There are plenty ships about me and Patrick and even me and Joe. But I've yet to see some quality ships about me and you. Obviously that means we don't spend enough tine together!" Pete explained. Andy rolled his eyes and looked over the side of the decent sized boat Pete had rented. They were pretty far from the shore out in the ocean.

"You couldn't go and get some lunch with me like a normal person." Andy mumbled under his breath.

"Heard that!" Pete responded. Everything was going seemingly well until the sky took on a grayish tone and the waves got rougher.

"Hey Captain Wentz, did you bother checking the weather before setting sail today?" Andy asked sarcastically.

"Well what am I, a meteorologist or a captain, because I won't be both." Pete shot back. With that declaration, a clap of thunder was heard and rain began to fall.

"Dammit Pete! This is why we don't hang out!" Andy yelled over the heavy rainfall that was drenching him.

"You're right. This is why we don't hang out. You have a very negative attitude!" Pete huffed. Andy walked to the boat controls, determined to get back to shore.

"Andy, these waves look pretty dangerous. Shouldn't we just stay put?" Pete asked.

"We're sitting ducks out here Pete. I'm going back to shore." Andy sighed. Pete raised his hands defensively when a harsh wind crashed the waves up against the boat. This made both Andy and Pete stumble.

"Okay, I feel like this is our cue to grab onto something!" Andy yelled in worry.

"We need to batten down the hatches! Watch the port bow! Andy, man the wheel!" Pete panicked. He ran to the front of the ship trying to grab the ropes.

"Pete, are you dumb?! Get back here and stay down!" Andy hissed. Deciding he owed it to Bronx and Saint to save their father, he ran to grab Pete.

"Come on! We've gotta stay low to pass the storm!" Andy said.

"We need to secure the ship!" Pete argued. Just then, a large strike of lightning lit up the dark sky and a wave came up, drenching the ship. Andy was thrown over the ship while Pete was knocked down.

"Andy!" Pete yelled. He crawled to the railing of the boat, only able to see the stormy sea below him.

Andy sank down into the dark deep sea, the current doing little to help his situation

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Andy sank down into the dark deep sea, the current doing little to help his situation. He tried to hold his breath, but that proved to be more difficult. When he felt his eyes becoming heavy, he saw a purple iridescent purple tail swim into his view.

Soft arms were wrapped around him, and it was the last thing he remembers feeling

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Soft arms were wrapped around him, and it was the last thing he remembers feeling.

*1 Hour Later*

Andy opened his eyes with a choking gasp. He sat up and felt the sand between his fingers.

"I'm alive." He thought.

"Andy, Andy!" Pete called running over to his friends. He dropped next to Andy and pulled him into a bone crushing hug.

"Man, when I saw you go over I didn't know what to do! I thought you were a goner. You must be a crazy good swimmer." Pete rambled and it made Andy realize something.

He didn't swim back to shore.

"What kind of fish has a purple tail?" Andy asked cautiously.

"I don't know man, what am I a marine biologist." Pete scoffed.

"But speaking of purple, we've never put out a purple album. Make a note that I said that. The next one's gotta be purple." Pete continued, but Andy stopped listening.

What saved him out there?

To be continued...

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