Andy Imagine: Stitched You Up

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"(Y/N)! We need you over here!" A nurse called. After an incident at a house party, the small hospital was flooded with people seeking medical attention. Some with burns, some with cuts, and many with trauma.

"Coming!" You called, grabbing you stethoscope. After 6 years of medical school and 4 additional years working at the hospital, you were finally able to call yourself assistant head of the trauma department. You walked into the hectic ER and over to a nurse who handed you a clipboard.

"Our John Doe has suffered from a sever blow to the head. It could be serious." He informed you. You nodded and turned towards the patient, pulling back the curtains. You saw a man with brown hair and beautiful eyes. They contrasted against his face covered in soot.

"I'm Dr. (L/N). You are?" You introduced.

"Hurley. Andy Hurley." The man groaned.

"Do you feel any pain?"

" head's killing me." You looked closer and saw a cut on the right side of his temple.

"This might be the cause. I'll stitch you up, but I want you dispatched to another hospital for a head scan." You ordered, grabbing a needle and thread.

"Can't you do it? I mean, I'd much rather this pretty Doctor than anyone else they can give me." Andy asked, wincing a bit. You blushed, but resumed your sewing. Leave it up to you to resort to a blushing school girl around your patient.

"Sorry Andy. With flue season around the corner and snow coming, we'll be backed up for at least the next week. I want this checked out now." You declined.

"Fair enough doc." He sighed. A nurse handed Andy papers to fill out with his name, number, address, and insurance. When you were done, you cut the thread and cleaned off the rest of Andy's face.

"There, this is as much as I can do for you." You told him. Andy smiled and look at your clipboard.

"My contact information is on this right?" He asked.

"Yeah, why?" You questioned.

"I wanted to make sure you had my number." He winked. You blushed again and called for an ambulance to transport Andy. He waved goodbye as you felt your heart flutter.

A/N: This is an excerpt from an unfinished fanfic I had. Idk if I will ever finish it, but maybe I will.

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