Joe Imagine: We're So Miserable And Stunning Pt.4

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*45 Minutes Later*

Your hand was still intertwined with Joe's as you both sat up against the aisle. The gunman stood near the entrance of the store tapping his foot loudly and rapidly. You looked at Joe's paling face.

"We've still got time. They'll be here any minute now." You whispered.

"We're gonna die here. I'm gonna die here. And all because my fucking bandmates volunteered me to get gas and shit." Joe said hoarsely.

"You're in a band?"

"Yeah. I play guitar."

"Nice." You smiled at Joe before squeezing his hand.

"We're getting out of here Joe." You said.

"Argh!" The gunman shouted. You and Joe flinched before huddling together.

"That's it, I'm not waiting for an hour!" He growled. He stopped over to where you and Joe were sitting. He glared at you and grabbed you by the hair.

"Ladies first." He muttered.

"No! You don't have to do this!" You yelled, tears filling your eyes out of fear.

"Let her go! Take me! You already shot me once. Finish the job, you fucking coward!" Joe barked at the man, attempting to stand up on both legs.

"Don't worry, everyone will get their turn." The man scoffed. He dragged to to the door of the store as you yelled and screamed. He landed you harshly on your knees and put the gun to your temple.

"Time's up!" The gunman yelled. You cried pitifully looking out at the many police cars.

"Henry, put the gun down." A voice warned. You noticed a man with black hair holding a megaphone.

"Who are you?" The man, Henry, asked.

"My name is Agent Hotchner and I'm with the FBI. Please release the hostages."

"...none of my demands have been met. These people are not going anywhere!" Henry pushed the gun to your temple harder as you sobbed.

"Henry, you don't have to do this. I know about your wife. She got shot in a gas station and no one tried to stop the bleeding. You don't have to punish everyone." Agent Hotchner said calmly. Henry's face flared up with anger.

"I don't wanna talk to you anymore!" He yelled.  He pulled down the metal shutters to the store and pulled you back over to the aisle with Joe. He tossed you roughly on the floor and screamed.

"They'll get in. They'll get in and arrest me." Henry stated in worry.

"If you go willingly you can escape a life sentence, Henry." You sniffled softly.

"Shut up!" Henry yelled.

"We want to help you Henry. It's not too late." Joe added. Henry looked at you and Joe with a tiredness in his eyes, before shaking his head.

"It was always gonna end this way." He sighed.


Agent Hotchner along with the swat team was able to get in through the back of the gas station. Dr. Reid followed behind him gun raised, Agent Morgan flanked next to Reid.

"Henry, come out willingly and this can be easy." Agent Morgan baited.

"You haven't seriously hurt anyone yet, Henry." Dr. Reid added. They got to an aisle and Hotch's face fell.

"We're too late." He sighed. Reid and Morgan came to see you laid next to Joe, hands still intertwined, and Henry laying on his side. You and Joe had a single gun shot to the forehead and Henry shot himself in the mouth.

"Dammit." Morgan groaned, turning from the scene. He couldn't bare to look at your dead (E/C) staring eyes.

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