Joe Imagine: I Hate The Ending Myself But It Started With An Okay Scene Pt.3

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Joe's POV

I sat on one side of the glass and that no good bastard sat on the other side.

"You fucking snake! I didn't fucking touch Ryan!" I hissed as I picked up the phone.

"I needed a scapegoat and you never paid me back for the drugs I got you." Brendon shrugged.

"I got a girl Brendon, I'm having a kid! You can't leave me in here! Find someone else to be your scapegoat; I'm gonna be a father!"

"Well, you're gonna have to be father of the year from prison, cause what's done is done. Have fun Joseph." Brendon hung up the phone and left.

"I'm not done with you asshole! When I get out, I'm gonna make sure you fucking pay!" Joe yelled as he was dragged back to his cell.

*2 Years Later*

You sat on the stool, phone in hand and tears in your eyes. Joe walked out in shackles and sat down. He picked up the phone and smiled at you fondly.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Joe asked softly.

"I'm doing as well as I can be doing right now." You sniffled. Joe then looked down at the baby in your lap.

"And how's my little man doing?" Joe asked sadly. Little 2 year old Zander looked up at his father with eyes that seemed to smile and glow.

"It's been so long." You sobbed.

"I might be getting off on good behavior...I hope." Joe frowned.

"They gave you 10 years for a crime you didn't commit!"

"But it's still my fault. If I'd never left you and started doing cocaine, I would've never met Brendon and he couldn't have pinned this whole thing on me. It all comes full circle." You bit your lip and wiped your eyes.

"He's gonna be 10 the first time he can hug his father. Gosh Joe, how did we end up like this?" You whimpered.

"And to believe it started out okay..." Joe sniffled.

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