Pete Imagine: I Don't Love You (But I Always Will) Pt.3

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You were wringing your hands nervously. You always got nervous before going out on stage. It was stupid, you knew you were gonna have fun and all, but you couldn't help but be nervous.

"Alright everyone, places! Curtain goes up in 5 minutes!" The director called. You took a deep breath before an arm wrapped itself around your shoulders. It was Pete.

"Hey, don't be nervous. I'll be watching from the back, and I know you'll do great." He promised. You turned to him and smiled.

"Trust me, I'll be fine when I go out there. It's just...not being out there is the worst part. I don't know. I'm just more scared out here than I am up there." You explained. Pete just smiled and kissed your hand.

"Break a leg, loser." He teased. You chuckled before walking out of stage and getting in position.

*After The Show*

You and the cast ran off after bows, jumping in excitement after completing the first show. You were absolutely buzzing. You loved the feeling after a performance. All the energy was like a drug.

"Hey! What happened to that nervous wreck I was talking to earlier?" Pete asked, smile apparent on his face. You ran into his arms hugging him.

"In my 4 years of doing shows, I feel like this was the best show I've ever done, personally." You said happily.

"Well, I'm glad that you're in such a good mood. We can go catch that movie now." Pete said.

"Hey, how about we skip the movie and just...I don't know, take a walk?" You suggested.

"We can do that." You went to the bathroom to get changed in an All Time Low T-shirt and black leggings. When you came out of the bathroom, Pete was talking with his friends, Joe, Andy, and Brendon. Even Patrick was talking with them too. Looks like they were all arguing with Pete over something.

"Pete, ready to go?" You asked. Pete turned quickly and smiled at you.

"Definitely, let's go. See you guys." He said taking your hand. You both walked out of the school, the early spring breeze a bit chilling. When seeing how you shivered, Pete, silently, offered his jacket. You took it gratefully.

"So (Y/N)...we've been dancing around this for a while." Pete started, cutting into the silence.

"Dancing around what?" You asked.



"Yeah, you and me, me and you. Together." You blushed, thankful for the dark.

"I didn't even know there was an us." You mumbled. Pete stopped you, and you turned to him. He looked as nervous as you did before the show.

"I think you're an amazing and beautiful person, inside and out. Like, I never would've done this play if you weren't in it. You interest me (Y/N). You're so independent and everything I need. I like you so much and, I want to get the chance to see if this blossoms into love. Can we get that chance?" Pete spoke. You smiled and cupped his cheek.

"Of course we can." You whispered, before pulling his lips to yours. The moment your lips touched his, Pete swears his heart stopped. Maybe it did, maybe it didn't, but it didn't matter now.

He had you.

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