Andy Imagine: After School Pt. 2

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You sat in Pete's car, nervously drumming your fingers on the dashboard.

"Keep fucking drumming that that and I'll knock you out." Pete sighed, slightly annoyed.

"I'm scared! What do I do when we get to my house?" You asked. Pete reached into the glove compartment and pulled out a roll of condoms.

"First thing always talk protection, then get to the kinks. If he's into that extra kinky shit you'll need a safeword, then you let it flow from there." Pete explained handing you the condoms.

"I-I don't...we're not!" You stuttered. In the end you still took the condoms because Pete would annoy the life out of you until you do.

"Listen, I would say call if you need help, but I'm gonna be a little busy." Pete smirked.

"Do not touch Patrick!" You ordered.

"Only if he doesn't want it!" Just then the car door opened and Andy slid in.

"Sorry I'm late. I needed to get some notes in math." He apologized.

"No worries man. Let's go." Pete replied. The car ride was silent aside from a Green Day song playing from the radio. When Pete pulled up to your house, Andy got out and you looked at Pete one last time.

"Thanks for the ride Pete. See ya." You said trying to procrastinate leaving the safety of the car. Pete knew that too.

"Get the fuck out of my car right now." He deadpanned. You turned to leave until you heard his excited voice speak one more time.

"Go head (Y/N). You better break his shit, bitch." Pete muttered. You shot him a glare before slamming the door shut as you got out. Pete pulled into the driveway of the house next door and walked up to the door. He knocked and sure enough, little innocent Patrick Stump opened the door.

"Jesus, Pete." You sighed before looking at Andy.

"So...studying?" He asked with that awkward smile that made you weak in the knees.

"Y-yeah." You stuttered.

To be continued...

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