Pref #5: He Find Out About The Kid You Two Had

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Patrick stood in front of the Boyz of Zummer backdrop, waiting for the next person to come and get their meet and greet picture taken.

"After the show, we're laying over for the night. You guys up for some Karaoke?" Pete asked excitedly. The guys just chuckled, shaking their heads.

"Whatever Pete." Patrick scoffed. The next girl walked up and her eyes went straight to Patrick.

"Holy Smokes, it's like looking in a mirror." She mumbled.

"Ready for your picture?" Joe asked.

"Totally." The girl smiled. She ran next to Patrick and looked at him.

"Do you could hug me while we take this picture?" She asked nervously.

"Of course." Patrick agreed. He wrapped his arms around the girl and everyone smiled as the picture flashed.

"Thank you so much and Patrick...(Y/N) says hi." The girl said slowly after the picture was taken. Patrick's face drained of all color hearing that name.

"(Y/N)?" He stuttered, but the girl didn't get the chance to answer as she was ushered away.

*After The Show*

The girl stood out back of the venue, fiddling with her cell phone when Patrick saw her.

"Hey, you!" He called, jogging towards the girl. She turned to him with a slight frown on her face.

"Who are you and how do you know (Y/N)?" Patrick asked.

"My name is Diana (L/N). I was born April 15th, 2003. My mom's name is (Y/N) (L/N) and she's taken great care of me." The girl replied looking into Patrick's blue eyes with her own identical set.

"Y-You're (Y/N)'s daughter?" Patrick stuttered.

"Yeah...and I did some snooping. Turns out you're my dad." Diana sighed.

"Was not expecting this news."

"It's okay. I just wanted to meet you. Mom was against the idea but I eventually got her to say yes."

"Why didn't she tell me?"

"You'll have to ask her yourself."


"Okay Zander, I'm gonna buy you one thing you want if you help me shop for things on the list first." You bargained.

"Deal!" Zander gasped grabbing the cart. He started pushing it with his tiny 7 year old arms barely reaching the handle. You looked around for milk when you heard a crash.

"Zander?!" You asked in alarm.

"I'm okay." Zander's soft voice replied. You ran to his voice to see him picking up a display he knocked down.

"Come on Zand, try and be more careful please." You sighed.

"Actually, he was swerving to avoid me. Sorry about that." A familiar voice said. It was so familiar that you found yourself afraid to turn around.

"I-It's fine." You stuttered, still not facing the voice.

"Hey, you sound familiar. Have we met before?" The voice pressed.

"Not sure."

"Maybe it would help if I could see your face." You slowly turned and watched Joe's eyes go wide.

"(Y/N)." He gasped.

"Hey Joseph." You said.

"Mommy, I found the milk, eggs, and cheese. Can I get the one thing I want now?" Zander asked, tugging on your hand.

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