Pref # 2: Daddy FOB: Mommy's Pregnant

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You looked over at Patrick and sighed.

"I don't know how Diana's gonna take this." You sighed.

"I mean she's older. She won't hold her breath like when we told her "Dee-Dee" was gonna be a Declan." Patrick explained.

"I hope so." You and Patrick walked out to the living room where Diana was sitting next to Declan.

"Hey guys! Mommy and I have some big news." Patrick said slowly, as you both sat next to each other.

"We're putting Declan up for adoption?!" Diana gasped happily.

"No way! They're sending you back to the pound, bitch!" Declan yelled.

"Woah, Dec, don't call your sister that!" You scolded in shock.

"I meant bitch as a female dog. At least I acknowledged her gender this time." Declan shrugged.

"I hope you guys are nicer to your new sibling." Patrick muttered.

"New sibling?!" Declan and Diana gasped.

"Yeah, we're having another baby." You smiled. Declan and Diana ran to hug you.

"Don't worry, I'll be a better big sister to this one." Diana promised.

"And I'll be a great big brother." Declan said excitedly. You smiled at Patrick, who kissed your forehead lovingly.


"Pregnant. Great! You had to take advantage of me by wearing that sexy grey shirt of yours. You know it brings out your eyes!" You scolded, slapping Joe's chest.

"I didn't hear you complaining. Screaming 'faster'? Yes. Complaining? No." Joe sighed, looking you in your eye.

"I know. It was really good sex."

"Thank you."

"It's just...three kids? I mean we have two of the best kids in the world, but what if our luck runs out at two? What if this one is the spawn of Satan?"

"Then we're raising Satan's baby." You giggled and took Joe's hand in yours for comfort.

"I mean it Joey." You said seriously.

"(Y/N), our kids are so great because of my talks with them. Now, I know it sounds stupid, but I've been conditioning our children to the sound of my voice. They take solace in it. I've been told my voice if comforting. It calms them down." Joe explained.

"Are you serious right now?"

"I really am! Our kids are only as great as we can teach them to be. And we do a great job at that."

"Alrighty. I'm just gonna tell the kids now."

"I'll be right behind you." You and Joe walked in the kitchen where Zander was helping Ruby with her math.

"Guys, we have something to tell you." You said, grabbing their attention.

"What's up mom?" Zander asked.

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