Pete Imagine: I Knew You...Once Upon a Time Pt. 5

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*Suicide Warning*

Pete looked around and pulled you out on the nearby balcony.

"(Y/N)..." He started before you cut him off.

"No bullshit Pete! I've been seeing you, dreaming of you, for so long now and I've never been able to identify what it is I feel for you or why I feel it. Dream me loves you, but me right here, I'm confused. So you better say something that makes at least a bit of sense." You warned. Pete sighed and looked at the New York skyline.

"You're my soulmate, okay. You're my soulmate and this happens every time. You forget about me in ever life we lead." He said, sadness creeping into the tone of his voice.

"You're insane." You gasped in disbelief.

"Think hard about your dreams (Y/N). Don't you notice they all take place in a different time period?" It was then that you realized Pete was right. No time period was the same.

"Things change, but the one thing that stays constant is that we find each other. I-I don't know why, but I always remember you and I find you when you're in your mid 20s." Pete continued.

"This is're crazy! Things like that don't happen." You scoffed. Pete grabbed your hand and pulled you closer to him.

"(Y/N), I've dealt with you for about 6 decades. 6 decades and we never get our happy ending." He said softly.

"What do you mean?" You frowned.

"I mean we die every time. Early 40s."

"And you never stopped to think it's because we aren't meant for each other?!"

"I already thought of that! Trust me, after the first three times we died, it hurt me to see you die. In one life, I never looked for you. I started living my own life, as wrong as it felt. One day, I went to the bank and saw you. Your eyes found mine instantly as you smiled. I smiled back and then it all went to hell. Bank robber came in. He went to shoot you first, but I jumped in front of you. Bullet went right through me and into you. Once again, I died looking into your eyes. It's fate (Y/N). We live, we find each other, and then we die, together." You shook your head and glared at Pete.

"Well, now I know so I'll just avoid you like the plague." You huffed.

"Isn't it better to have loved and lost then never to have loved at all? Because trust me, you'll never be able to love anyone more than you love me. I tried and so did you." Pete argued.

"Why can't I just live my life the way I want to?!" You growled.

"Fate (Y/N). This is what was written in our stars." Angered, you looked around the balcony and found one of those dumb, expensive, authentic art pieces Tony loved. It was a sword.

"Well fate can kiss my ass." You mumbled grabbing the sword.

"(Y/N), no!" Pete yelled, as you plunged the sword in your chest. A strangled gasp left your throat as you pulled the sword out. You fell to your knees and then to the floor. Pete grabbed you and tried to stop the bleeding.

"You're so selfish! Now here I am alone in the world with no one to love." He said, tears threatening to spill from his eyes. You smiled lazily reaching for Pete's red cheeks.

"If we're really meant to be, you'll find me again in our next life." You gasped. Pete looked over at the sword and, without thinking twice, plunged it into his own chest. He groaned in pain and pulled out the weapon. Pete allowed himself to fall next to you, looking into those (E/C) eyes he saw before every death.

"I'll see you then." He agreed, lacing your cold fingers with his.

Then you both were gone.

*BONUS: 25 Years Later*

As you were walking out of the cafe, you bumped into a man who was coming in. Luckily, you were able to save your hot beverage from burning him.

"I'm so sorry. I'm such a klutz." You giggled, looking up the the beautiful man with the kind eyes and dazzling smile.

"Don't worry about it, darling." He shrugged. You immediately felt your heart skip a beat.

"I'm (Y/N)." You stuttered extending a hand. The man kissed your hand, smiling back at you.



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