Patrick Imagine: Dirty Laundry

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A/N: Last Young Renegade is just perfection. I love All Time Low so much. Imagine based on the song Dirty Laundry by All Time Low.

She had a past...and it wasn't exactly positive.

(Y/N) (L/N) was sitting alone in a diner as the clock was nearing 11 PM. Around that time is when Patrick Stump walked in. He had just come back from a long gig and was just craving for a milkshake and fries.

He walked past (Y/N), his eyes unable to stop from scanning her over. She wore a black leather jacket and black tank top along with dark blue jeans. Her hair was blocking the side of her face slightly, just adding to the mystery. Afraid of being mistaken as a stalker, Patrick slid into a book on the other side of (Y/N). The waitress came and he put in his order for a chocolate milkshake and fries. Patrick glanced back over at (Y/N), who was now holding her head in her hands. She seemed to be having a rough time. Patrick looked around the nearly vacant diner before making up his mind. He got up and sat across from (Y/N).

"Hey, sorry to bother you, but do you need anything? I couldn't help but notice you." Patrick asked quietly. (Y/N) smiled softly and lifted her head, surprising Patrick.

"Nothing much anyone can do for me right now, but things get better." She shrugged, showing off a dark purple bruise around her eye.

"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" Patrick exclaimed.

"Nothing major. You should see the other guy." (Y/N) joked weakly. Patrick saw how tired this girl looked and gave her his brightest smile. Something had to be going on and he didn't wanna make things worse by being curious.

"I'm Patrick." He introduced.

"(Y/N)." (Y/N) replied.

The two sat and talked for what seemed like a whole day, when in reality it was an hour and a half. At that point, Patrick had gotten a text from Pete, wondering where he was.

"Hey, I've actually gotta go now, but I'd really like to see you again, if that's okay?" Patrick smiled shyly.

"You really don't." (Y/N) chuckled humorlessly. Patrick's smile faltered, but he wouldn't let that deter him.

"Alright then, I'll give you my number. That way, you can decide to call me if you want." He offered.

"If it'll really make you happy." (Y/N) sighed handing Patrick her phone. Patrick typed in his number before giving back the phone.

"I really hope you'll call (Y/N). I do wanna see you again." He smiled.

"We'll see Patrick. Enjoy your night." (Y/N) smiled subtly.

"You too (Y/N)." And with that, Patrick left and (Y/N) experienced the first good thing that's happened to her for a long, long time.

*7 Months Later*

"Patrick, I'm really just not feeling well. Just go hang out with your friends." (Y/N) sighed, brushing her hair in the bathroom mirror she shared with Patrick for about 2 months. She wore one of Patrick's white t-shirts and a one of his boxers.

"(Y/N), they were all so excited to finally meet you. I mean, it has been 7 months." Patrick frowned standing in the bathroom doorway

"Patrick! Can we just...not do this. Please?" (Y/N) pleaded, looking at Patrick with those big (E/C) eyes.

She snapped like that sometimes, it was just something that would happen. (Y/N) doesn't necessarily like social situations so she just goes to work, comes home, and hangs with Patrick or Netflix. Sometimes both. It's just another thing Patrick loves about her, because he loves her.

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