Andy Imagine: Mermaids Aren't Real...Right? Pt. 4

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A/N: Junior year has barely started and I'm already over it. Anyway, here's the update. Took some ideas from the original Little Mermaid story. Hope you liked it.

"You saw a mermaid? I call bullshit Andy." Pete sighed.

"Call whatever you want. Her name is (Y/N) and she's beautiful." Andy grumbled.

"Andy, you realize that it's impossible, right? There's no way. Mermaids aren't real." Joe frowned.

"(Y/N) is real! She has a purple tail and she saved me!" Andy yelled. Why would no one believe him?


"I have to see him again!" You gushed, swimming in circles.

"(Y/N), you're talking about a human. You realize that, right?" Steve asked.

"Oh Steve but he's not like the ones we hear about as scary bed time stories. He's so kind and inviting." You smiled.

"(Y/N), you may really like this human, but you'll never be able to be with him." Bucky said softly, effectively ruining your good mood.

"Y-you're right. He's human...and I'm just a fish." You frowned.

"You're more than a fish (Y/N). It's not like you can just become human." Steve sighed.

"...But I can."


"Let go of me! It's almost noon! She's waiting for me!" Andy yelled, thrashing against his friends arms.

"You need help Andy! Mermaid's aren't real." Patrick grunted. The men from the asylum stood by the door.

"She's expecting me! I'm gonna run away and be with her!" Andy pleaded.

"How are you gonna be with a fucking fish!" Pete yelled back. Suddenly, Andy felt a slight pinch, and he felt sleepy.

"(Y/N)..." He mumbled.


"Loki, ruler of the undercave, please, I come to you in hopes you can make me human." You begged looking around the dark underwater cave.

"Tch, a human? They only thing they're good for is the need for subjugation. Why such a strange request?" Loki scoffed.

"There's this human...and I love him." You confessed. Loki let out a loud laugh.

"In love with a human? Never heard that one before. Listen Mer-child, if I make you human, I will take your voice and to regain it, you have to get that human of yours to kiss you before the sun dips behind the ocean waves or you will perish. When you receive your human form, all you will feel is a sharp sensation of walking on glass with every step you take as your tail splits into two legs, the pain like white hot fire. You can never be a mermaid again. Will you do all this for love?" Loki asked and you stopped for a moment.

Would you give up your normal life all for a man? All that pain for a man you just met? But what if you never felt the way you felt with him again? You would do it. You must! Even if it means a life of pain. Love will always dull the sharp stinging sensation of pain.

"I will. I love him." You answered confidently. Loki gave his signature smirk and grabbed his scepter.

"Very well, my dear. Your wish is my command." With that, Loki pointed the scepter at you and you instantly felt the white hot pain he promised. It was so intense that you blacked out.

*Time Skip brought to you by Joe playing an awesome guitar solo*

You woke in the cave where you met Andy. Steve and Bucky were watching you sadly.

"What happened?" You asked before registering the pain in your lower extremities. You looked down to see legs, feet, and toes.

"Oh my gosh." You thought.

"I guess this is it (Y/N). You're a human now." Bucky frowned. You frowned back at your two best friends and waved them goodbye. They disappeared under the waves and you found an old sail to wrap yourself in.

"How will I find Andy?" You pondered. Standing on shaking legs, the painful sensation hit you. This would be hard but you had to find Andy and kiss him before the day was over. With each excruciating step, you walked out of the cave and on the shore. You would find him. You had to.

*1 hour until Night*

You had walked past many people who looked at you in shock or disgust. None were able to help you as you mouthed the name, Andy, continuously. At last some men found you roaming the streets like a loon and took your hand.

"Come with us ma'am. We'll get you help." One man promised. Help? That must mean Andy! They would take you to him before the sun set! You smiled in excitement as you were placed into the white van.

Within 15 minutes, you arrived at a large white building, asylum written in the front. There, you were given a white cotton shirt and pants. You were escorted to a room and the person you saw as you passed the hall made your heart speed up.


You started mouthing his name, trying to be released from the grip of the man holding you. Andy looked over at you, shock evident on his face.

"(Y/N)! It's you, it's really you! You have legs!" Andy exclaimed. You smiled and attempted to rush for him. Unfortunately these guards were determined to keep both of you under lock. 

"Let's go ma'am." The man frowned. Fear found it's way on your face. You didn't have much time, you needed to kiss him now.

"Hey let me go! That's (Y/N), she's the mermaid! She's who I was talking about." Andy growled. Your hands were so close to touching, you could feel the heat radiating from his body. You mouthed his name one more time as you were both pulled away from each other. You were taken to a room and locked in. No matter how hard you pounded on the padded door, no one would come for you. You could see out the window in your room.

The sun was setting.

It's over. You traded everything to be with your one true love, and you wouldn't be able to live long enough to be with him. You dropped to the floor, bitter silent sobs escaping your mouth.


The next morning, Andy woke to the sound of doctors running down the hall.

"It's the new patient!"

"She's not moving!"

"She's not breathing!"

"I think she's dead!"

But you were the only new patient he knew of.

"(Y/N)!" He yelled brokenly. Peering out the little window at the door, what he saw made his heart stop. You were laying limply on a gurney being carried away, that face he once saw full of life, dead and emotionless. Andy slid down on the padded floor of his room.

Oh his mermaid,

His poor little mermaid.


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