Andy Imagine: So, About That Soda Pt. 2

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You sat on the bus massaging your temples. School? More like psychological abuse. The only thing that put a slight smile on your face was the fact that you had a soda to look forward to today. When the bus stopped near your apartment, you got out and made the walk home. You walked into your apartment building and up to your floor. You turned to see a note on your door. You picked it up suspiciously before reading.

Dear (Y/N),
I hope you don't mind but I didn't know what kind of soda you liked...but come to my place anyway.

You smiled and knocked on Andy's door. He opened instantly and smiled back at you.

"Hey, come on in." He said. You walked into Andy's apartment and looked around the homey room.

"How was school?" Andy asked, offering to take your bag.

"A little draining but I'll manage." You confessed.

"Well like it said on my note, I didn't know what kind of soda you like, so I bought a bunch." Andy opened a large color and you saw a large variety of soda. You covered your mouth in shock and disbelief.

"No one ever went through all this trouble for me." You giggled.

"You deserve it." Andy assured, kissing your cheek. You blushed and threw all regards about age to the window.

"Can we do this again sometime?" You blurted out. Andy smirked and looked at you.

"We haven't even finished our first date and you're already planning the second one." He chuckled.

"This is a date?" You asked hopefully. Andy moved closer to you, taking your face in his hands.

"This can be whatever you want it to be." He whispers.

"This is a date." You whispered back before pressing your lips to his. When you pulled back, Andy couldn't help but laugh.

"Sorry, I don't usually kiss on the first date." He teased.

"Neither do I." You smiled. Andy let his hands leave your face as he turned towards the cooler.

"So, sodas now?" He asked.

"Don't mind if I do." You agreed, grabbing a bottle of your favorite soda.

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