Patrick Imagine: Guess Who's Back

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Patrick stood by the side of the park, watching his daughter and son run around and play. He loved being able to take the kids to the park.

"Which one is yours?" A voice asked. Patrick turned and saw a woman with closely shaved hair and pale, porcelain skin. Her bright blue eyes were slightly offsetting, and the blood red lipstick seemed a bit too formal for the part.

"Girl and boy by the jungle gym." Patrick replied quickly. The woman smiled and nodded.

"They're beautiful." She complimented.

"They look more like their mother." Patrick said, smiling at the thought of his beautiful wife.

"Where is she? You know, their mother?"

"Home with the stomach bug."

"Daddy, daddy!" Diana squealed, flinging herself on Patrick's leg.

"What's up Mi Amor?" Patrick smiled, picking her up.

"Me and Declan picked flowers for mommy!"

"That's so sweet. Mommy'll love them. Now, get in some more play time. We're leaving in 10 minutes." Diana wiggled down from Patrick's grip and ran back over to her brother.

"They really love their mother, don't they?" The woman asked.

"Yeah. (Y/N)...she's amazing." Patrick gushed.

"I bet she was." At this, Patrick turned to see the woman smiling with those crimson painted lips.

"Excuse me?" He asked.

"Courtney says hello, Patrick. We know where you are, what you're doing, and everything there is to know about those you love." The woman spat lowly. Patrick clenched his fist and moved towards the woman.

"Not in front of the kids, Pat." She teased.

"Don't fucking call me Pat." Patrick hissed.

"It's been fun, it really has, but I must bid you farewell. Lots to be done, but I assure you, this won't be our last meeting." The woman turned and walked away. Patrick quickly walked to his kids.

"Come on guys. We gotta get home." He said sternly. Patrick put Diana and Declan in the car before hurrying home. When he pulled into the driveway of the house, he noticed the door wide open. Patrick turned to his kids, worry evident in his eyes.

"Guys, stay here. If anyone who isn't me comes to get you, yell as loud as you can." He instructed. Diana and Declan nodded their heads, and Patrick ran into the house.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N), are you here?" He yelled.


Patrick ran up the stairs. He peered around, unsure if someone was still in the house. He crept towards your shared bedroom at the end of the hall. Taking a deep breath, Patrick opened the door and instantly wished he hadn't.

Your feet were strapped to the bed while your upper body was hanging off the side of the bed. The worst part was your head, well, lack of one. Your head was laying over in the corner of the room, face down on the carpet. Patrick fell to his knees and threw up.

"Oh god!" He wailed. He crawled past his vomit and over to your head in the corner.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry. I'm so so so sorry." He sobbed, holding your head over to his chest. You didn't ask for any of this. Patrick never even told you about Courtney or about what to do if she ever came back. He should've told you. He should've prepared you. Now, you paid the price for something you had no part of. Patrick set down your head carefully and picked up his phone, dialing a number.

"Joe, Courtney's back. She...she killed (Y/N). I need you to stop what your doing and get your family. She coming for everyone." His sniffled into the phone. Without waiting for a reply, Patrick hung up the phone and called the police. While waiting for the police, Patrick went to stand by the car with his children.

"Daddy, where's mommy? Can I give her the flowers?" Declan asked hopefully. Patrick shook his head, trying to give his best smile.

"We'll talk about that later, okay buddy?" He said, dreading having to tell his children their mother is dead.

All thanks to Courtney fucking Love.

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