Andy Imagine: Take Two

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A/N: Happy Birthday me :)

You stood in line waiting for lunch while Andy stood 4 people behind you next to his friend Joe

"I'm gonna talk to her man. I'm not throwing away my shot!" Andy whispered fiercely.

"Chill out Hamilton. You just gotta make a move." Joe snorted.

"What kind of move? I can go up to her and ask if she wants to see my Metallica CD collection." Andy suggested.

"Leave it to me pal. You don't talk to a girl like (Y/N) (L/N) like that." Joe walked over to you, wearing a confident smile and showing off his braces.

"Hey there (Y/N)." Joe smirked.

"Hiya Joe." You smiled politely.

"So, how's life? Still single?"

"I' single as I can remain."

"That is amazing! I have a friend who's also single. Andy come up here!" You saw Andy run over to Joe and smile at you.

"I look beautiful." Andy smiled messing up his meaning.

"Uh, good to know." You giggled.

"Wait...take two." Andy pleaded. He looked at you and grinned.

"You look beautiful." Andy corrected himself.

"That sounds about correct, when though you're beautiful too Andy." You said. Andy chuckled and scratched his head.

"So, wanna get pizza later?" Andy offered.

"Sure, pick me up later?" You smiled.

"Yeah, I'll text you."

"Awesome." You left and Andy high fived Joe.

That's how you catch you a man's.

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