Pete Imagine: Just When I Think I'm Out, He Drags Me In Again Pt.2

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You smiled at the notification and clicked on it. You opened the message to see a picture of Supernatural on the tv.

Take my bus tomorrow aftr school? I wanna talk 2 you.

You smiled and snapped a picture of your school textbook.


You turned off your phone and let all kind of different scenarios fill your head. What if he asked you out? What if he declared his undying love for you? What if he finally realized you were the one in front of him the whole time?

But what if you were just imagining all this?

You pushed that last thought away and went back to doing your homework.

*Next Day*

You waited inside the school for Pete's bus to roll up. His bus was last so you had to wait a bit longer, but it would be worth it.

"(Y/N), what are you waiting for?" Your friend, Joe, asked as he walked to after school help.

"Pete told me to meet him." You shrugged, failing to hide the smile that creeped up on your face. Joe smirked and winked at you.

"I want a text after!" He called walking away. You giggled and looked back outside of the doors of the school. You saw the last bus pull up and looked around at the crowd of kids, hoping to see Pete.

But he wasn't seen.

He's short anyway, you reasoned. I'll find him on the bus, you convinced yourself. You walked on to the bus and looked at every seat. Every face you met that wasn't Pete's made your heart fall further down. When you got to the back of the bus, you sat down and curled up against the window. You pulled out your phone and took a snapchat of the school.

Missed the bus?

You send the snapchat to Pete and wiped your quickly dampening eyes. Your phone buzzed and you looked down.

Snapchat now

You opened it and saw a picture of Ashlee, Pete's ex, as he had a arm wrapped around her.

We stayed for the volleyball game. Sorry.

You locked your phone and pulled your hood over your head as silent tears shook you.

How could you be so stupid?

A/N: guys I know are so dumb ifc...(-_-)

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