Pref #30: Daddy FOB: Who's Pregnant??

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Diana stood in the clinic with Patrick sitting in the waiting room with her. She was too nervous to sit. This doctor's visit was probably the most nerve wracking one she'd ever been to.

"I want to go home." Diana sniffled.

"I know Di. This situation isn't ideal, but it happened...and we have to deal with it." Patrick sighed.

"I didn't mean for this to happen...we were safe."

"You're too young." The words made Diana stop and look at her dad.

"You're 16, Diana. If you don't have the income or supplies to care for a child, you shouldn't be trying for one, and essentially, sex is trying for a child." Patrick frowned.

"You mean you weren't having sex at my age?" Diana huffed.

"I was and, with my then girlfriend, I had to explain to her parents why we thought she was pregnant. Luckily, it was a false alarm. I was 17 and definitely not ready for a kid. As teens, we like to think we're all grown up and ready for anything. It's a lie." Diana let the words sink in as the clinic doors open. Zander walked in, eyes red and hair messy. Joe walked in behind him.

"Diana." Zander sighed. Diana ran into her boyfriend's arms, clinging to him. Joe walked over to Patrick and took a seat.

"Did she see the doctor yet?" Joe asked.

"Nope. Ya know, if your son got my daughter pregnant, I might kill him." Patrick said softly. Joe snorted and rolled his eyes.

"Oh please. My wife will beat you to it." He said. Just then a nurse came out for Diana. Zander sat next to his dad and waited for what seemed to be forever. When Diana exited 30 minutes later, she had tears in her eyes. Zander was by her side instantly.

"What'd the doctor say?" He asked.

"I'm not pregnant." Diana smiled. Zander let out a breath of relief, along with Joe and Patrick, before hugging his girlfriend.

They definitely dodged a bullet.


*Taken Place After Patrick's Imagine*

Zander sat in the front seat as his dad drove home. The car was silent.

"You got lucky." Joe said, breaking the silence.

"I know." Zander sighed.

"Zander, I don't want this ever happening again. At least, not until you're out of school and actually able to take care of a kid."

"After this traumatic scare, I don't even know if I want kids." Joe laughed slightly and glanced over at his son.

"Do you love Diana?" Joe asked softly.

"Dad, I...I haven't had much experience in love, but I really do think this is love I feel. I just want to be with her always and take away all her pain. I guess I really do love her." Zander sighed.

"Well, if and when you're ready, I think she'd make a great addition to the Trohman family." Zander smiled before looking out the car window.

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