Joe Imagine: I Hate The Ending Myself, But It Started With An Okay Scene

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A/N: It's been a while since someone fought...


You watched him from the stage, the terrible lighting making him look all the more attractive. The way his fingers moved on his guitar made you feel...feeling in ways you haven't felt in a long time. When his eyes met yours, you knew how tonight would end up, and you were in no way disappointed.

The unnamed guitarist pushed you into the crappy motel, his lips attached to yours. His hands were already wandering under your shirt in search of your bra.

"Please." You moaned into his mouth. With skilled fingers, your bra was unhooked, although your shirt was still on. The guitarist pushed you away from him as he attempted to make quick work of his clothes. You followed in suit.

As you were coming down from your sexual high, the smell of weed filled your senses. You looked over at the guitarist and saw the blunt between his lips. You just smiled and cuddled into his chest. You could get used to this...

*3 Months Later*

"(Y/N)! You seen my guitar?" Joe asked, scratching his head in confusion.

"The one next to your pile of assorted underwear and bras?" You hissed, throwing the guitar to your boyfriend.

"Those mean nothing to me baby, and you know that." Joe sighed, reaching for you.

"I don't know anything Joseph!" You scoffed, moving away from me.

"Listen, I'm going to Europe for a few festivals. When I get back, I hope you get that stick out of your ass." Joe spat. You slapped him upside his head and pushed him through the door.

"Maybe you just shouldn't come back!" You called out before slamming the door closed. You rolled your eyes at your rockstar boyfriend, your mothers words echoing in your ears:

Boys will be boys

*5 Months Later*

Joe snorted the cocaine from the bathroom counter before looking up to meet your disapproving glare.

"Got something to say?" Joe growled.

"You're pathetic. Can't get through one day without being so doped up on God knows what!" You scolded him. Joe reached out with his hand and back handed you.

"I don't expect you to understand, you bitch." He spat, emphasizing the word, bitch.

"Joseph..." You frowned, slightly shocked by your boyfriend's actions.

"I'm going out to get wasted and hook up with some random chick." Joe announced.

"Do that, and I'm leaving!" You countered. Joe just turned to you and chuckled.

"See ya." He smirked. He left and you sat on your bed defeated. You looked down at your seemingly flat stomach.

"Jesus, what am I gonna do with you?" You pondered, rubbing the spot where a life would soon begin to grow inside of you.

To be continued...

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