Andy Imagine: I've Always Been There And I Always Will Be

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A/N: This was requested by someone a while back and I suddenly got the inspiration to write it. Yandere!Andy

You ran out of the restaurant, utterly and completely humiliated. He proposed alright, to his mistress...right in front of you. As you dashed to the car, rain pelted you like knives on your exposed skin. You slammed the car door shut and started to cry behind the wheel.

3 years.

You had been together for 3 years and for what? For nothing, obviously. You pulled out your phone and dialed your best friend's number.

"Hello?" She answered

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"Hello?" She answered.

"Eve, are you busy?" You sniffled.

"What's going on (Nickname)?" You broke down and explained the situation.

"Oh (Y/N), I'm so sorry." Eve gasped.

"I just thought he really loved me...I thought what we had was real." You cried.

"It'll be okay honey. Come over and I'll cheer you up."

"Okay. I'm on my way. Bye Eve."

"See ya soon lovely." You hung up the phone and dropped your head on the steering wheel, your hair falling around your face. How could things get any worse?

"He didn't deserve you (Y/N)." A voice said. Your blood ran cold as your head rose up slowly.

You were supposed to be the only person in the car.

You looked into the rear view mirror and saw a man with a ginger beard. Before saying anything, you rushed to open the car door.

"Stop it (Y/N). I don't want to have to shoot you." The man said calmly. You froze and let go of the door handle.

"You're so good. Such a good girl." The man muttered. You felt sick by the way he was describing you.

"W-who are you?" You stuttered.

"I'm the one man in this world who will always and forever love you. I'm Andy." The man, or Andy, replied.

"How do you know who I am?" You sobbed lightly. Andy just looked you up and down. From your soaking wet hair, to your running mascara and eyeliner, to the little black dress sticking to your skin, down to the exposed skin of your thigh.

"Oh (Y/N), I've always been there from the day that we first met." Andy smiled fondly.


You stood in the cafe ordering your drink when you heard the conversation a woman was having with the male barista.

"How could someone screw up so bad?! Are you dumb? Is that what this is? You're just dumb? This is what you get for dropping out of high school, dumb ass!" The woman yelled. She was right in front of you, so you didn't hesitate from tapping her shoulder.

"Excuse me miss, instead of being a jackass towards this guy, you could cut him some slack because he's human and we all make mistakes? Just a suggestion, so can you take your bitch fit elsewhere. Other people in this line have places to be." You said calmly. The woman gasped and stormed out. You looked at the barista and smiled.

"Can I just have a (Drink Name)?" You asked sweetly. The man blinked before nodding.

"U-uh, your name, please?" He mumbled.

"(Y/N)." You said. The man nodded again and wrote your name. You got your drink and left to go to work, but the barista, Andy, never forgot your face or name.

*End of Flashback*

"You were so kind and beautiful. I had to follow you. I found your instagram and your twitter, too! You're so thoughtful with your tweets and you make the most of life through your pictures. The only ugly pictures on your accounts were of your no good boyfriend. He never deserved your light (Y/N). Can't you see?! I'm here to treat you better!" Andy explained. The tears fell from your eyes faster as the rain drops hit the car, sounding more like rocks.

"Please, just let me go home. I'm so tired." You sobbed.

"(Y/N), I'm here to take care of you, if you'll let me?" Andy smiled.

"No! No, no, no, no! I don't know who you are! You know me, but I know nothing about you! Why don't you let me go, you freak!" You screamed. Suddenly, your hair was yanked, pulling you to the back seat of the car. A gun was pressed against your temple as you kicked your feet, wildly.

"Who the hell do you think you're talking to? I LOVE YOU!" Andy growled.

"I H-HATE YOU!" You cried. A hand was slapped over your mouth and Andy placed your neck into the cook of his arm.

"I love your face, your body, and your name. Right now, your attitude is one thing I hate." He whispered harshly against your ear. You screamed against his hand and started to kick your legs again.

"(Y/N), don't make me do something we'll both regret." Andy pleaded. You pried his hand off of your mouth and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Leave me alone you psycho!" You screamed. A loud bang made your ears ring. You felt a burning sensation in your stomach and looked down to see dark red blood.

"Look what you made me do." Andy sighed. You began to cough, the blood escaping your mouth.

"You're sick." You mumbled.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I'll save you."

Then you passed out.


You opened your eyes to a window with light shining through. Your head was laying on a pillow as soft as the clouds. Oh good, it was all just a dream. When you tried to stretch your arms, you found resistance and felt a pain in your stomach. You looked to see you were chained on a bed, bandage wrapped around your torso.

"Oh, you've finally woken." Andy grinned, emerging from some corner of the room.

"No...NO!" You cried.

"Don't get too worked up now (Y/N). The sooner that stomach heals, the sooner we can start making our family."


"No one can hear you." Andy harshly took your chin in his hand.

"I've always been there, and I always will be." He whispered. You could only cry at the thought of what your new life would entail with your captor.

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