Joe Imagine: Is It The Attention?

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Your phone lit up as you were reading your book for school tomorrow. The name on the screen distracted you entirely.


You swiped to open your phone and smiled down at the message.

Patrick told me u were feeling down 2day. Ur not weird (Y/N), ur unique and special and I love talking to u. Don't forget that. Ur beautiful and anyone would b blessed to b graced with ur beauty. Gn and stay safe <3.

You felt your stomach immediately tie in knots as you texted back.

Thanks. Night.

You threw your phone down on your bed and started thinking. Did Joe really like you? Did he want something more from you? Or was this him being nice? Maybe it's harmless flirting?

This had been going on for months with both sexual and not sexual flirting, but you didn't know how to feel. Joe is the first boy to show you attention. What if you don't like him, but only like the attention?

*One Week Later*

You were eating outside at lunch with your 5 friends Marie, Natasha, Wanda, Hayley, and Elisa. It was such a beautiful day and you felt as though you were floating on cloud 9. Of course that feeling didn't last for long.

Everyone was laughing over something Wanda had said when you felt an arm around your shoulder. Your eyes went wide and you turned around quickly.

"Joe, hi." You stuttered. Your whole table of friends smiled at your awkwardness around the attractive Joe Trohman.

"Hey (Y/N), mind if I steal you for a minute?" Joe asked. You kind of wanted to say yes, but Joe was still your friend. You stood up and walked away with him from your friends (who were cheering in the back). You and Joe walked to the farthest corner of the field and suddenly his arm was draped around your shoulder again.

"So, I was wondering if this Friday you'd wanna catch a movie with me?" Joe smiled. You let out a breath of relief. For a minute you thought he was asking you out.

"Sure, mind if I invite Nat and Hayley? They've been talking about going to the movies for weeks." You grinned. Joe's smile faltered.

"Well, I uh, I was kinda hoping it would just be you and a date." Joe elaborated. Dammit, another devastating character about yourself, you couldn't take a freaking hint!

"Joe, I don't know if that's such a good idea." You said, biting your lip. You fiddled with your fingers nervously. You never thought you'd be in a situation like this.

"Why not? Is it something I did?" Joe frowned.

"No! Joe, please don't think it's you. I just...I'm not really ready for a relationship right now. I'm sorry, I gotta go." You rambled nervously before taking off. Joe watched you with a look of hurt on confusion on his face. What's going on?

To be continued...

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