Andy Imagine: Who's Dating Winona?!

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Winona walked into the house at approximately 9:45 PM; exiting a black Nissan. Andy wrote all this down as he watched his 15 year old daughter.

"So, where were you?" He asked, making Winona jump.

"Jesus dad, you scared the crap out of me." Winona gasped.

"Answer the question."

"Jazz band rehearsal."

"And who dropped you off?"

"A friend who also plays in the band. Can I go do my homework now?" Andy sighed and waved off Winona. He walked up to the bedroom where you were watching Supernatural.

"Who is Winona dating?" Andy asked.

"Winona isn't dating anyone." You answered, not really paying attention.

"Um, you don't know that. Your eyes are always glued to the tv."

" pretty true, but it's different. I would know if my daughter had a boyfriend." You scoffed. Andy smirked and proposed an idea.

"How about we make a bet?" He asked.

"Go on." You smiled.

"Who ever finds out if Winona has a boyfriend and who he is, will get whatever they want from the other person."

"You're on. This will be over soon anyway." You teased. Andy chuckled and shook his head.

"The war is won before its begun, suiteheart." He winked.

To be continued...

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