Patrick Imagine: Memories & Melodies

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*High School*

Patrick was walking with Pete, Joe, and Andy to his first day of senior year.

"I honestly can't wait to graduate. High School has been a major pain." Joe sighed.

"Tell me about it. At least we can finally say that this is the last year we have to see all unwanted people." Pete agreed.

"This year is gonna be our year guys, it's just gotta be." Andy added. Patrick was the only one staying silent. He honestly didn't have much to expect out of this year. He just wanted to graduate and be done. Anything that happened in between was just miscellaneous extra pieces of life.

"Woah, that car is wavy." Pete whistled. Everyone's head turned to the car as a song blasted from the speakers.

Ain't it fun
Living in the real world
Ain't it good
Being all alone

Patrick's eyes went wide as he saw the person behind the wheel.

You wore a carefree smile on your face as you sang along. Your (E/C) eyes gleamed with amusement.

"Wow." Patrick muttered. Suddenly, your eyes met Patrick's own for a brief second, and you smiled.

It was mesmerizing.

Before Patrick could utter another word, you drove by, leaving him stunned.

"Patrick, what do you hope to get out of this year?" Andy asked.

"I wanna get to know her." Patrick muttered.


As the fall came and changed into winter, you and Patrick had grown noticeably closer. You'd go over to his house to do homework and vice versa (Pete sore he smelled a new ship forming, but everyone just laughed him off). One winter night, Patrick was driving you home after you had spent over 4 hours at his house just studying and hanging out. Patrick turned on the radio softly and smiled at the song playing.

She knows what I think about
And what I think about
One love, two mouths
One love, one house
No shirt, no blouse
Just us, you find out
Nothing that wouldn't wanna tell you about no

"You ever think about what you wanna do after high school?" You asked suddenly. Patrick glanced over at your slightly flushed cheeks as you looked out the window.

"Not really. It's a lot to think about so I kinda push it away." Patrick replied.

"I get that...I wanna be happy." You mumbled.


"After high school, I don't care about where I am, what I'm doing, or who I'm with. I just wanna be happy." Patrick stopped the car, pulling off to the curb of the sidewalk. He looked over at you and felt his heart speed up.

He had to do this.

"You make me happy." Patrick started nervously. You looked at Patrick, eyes widening.

"You have this way about you and I don't know, I feel safe with you. (Y/N), you're like one of the realist people I know. I...I want to be with you." He concluded. You smiled and pulled Patrick's lips to yours.

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