Joe Imagine: Distance Pt. 2

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You pulled your arms closer to your body, trying to keep the warmth in you body.


You turned to see Joe wearing a big leather jacket over a plaid button up shirt and his hair was tucked into a grey beanie. He also had a scarf loosely hanging from his shoulders.

"Oh, so you're talking to me now." You scoffed. Joe frowned and stood next to you.

"I'm sorry about that (Y/N). It's just complicated right now." He sighed.

"What's complicated?" You asked.

"You wanna get a bite to eat?"

*Time Skip brought you by Joe trying to make you smile all the way to your destination*

When you and Joe stopped walking, you were standing outside of a 24 hour diner. You cracked a small smile and turned to him.

"I love diner food." You said.

"I remember." Joe smiled. He put his hand on the middle of your back, lightly leading you into the diner. You and Joe were seated immediately and ordered relatively quickly. You both got hot chocolate in hopes it would warm you up.

"It's been a while since I've been to a diner." You commented.

"It's been a while since I've been to a diner with such good company." Joe grinned. You then frowned and looked away. Joe took notice immediately.

"Did I say something?" He asked quickly.

"If I'm 'such good company', then why have you been avoiding me?" You spat.

"(Y/N), I was just being stupid. Don't even worry about it."

"That's the problem! I worry about it every second of everyday! I try to think of what I've done wrong and what I can do better, but it'll never be enough for you, will it Joseph?" Joe bit his lip and looked up as the waitress brought you food and drinks.

"Thank you." You and Joe mumbled. You are your food in silence, barely looking up at each other. After your meal, Joe paid the bill, much to your dismay. You both left the diner, you shivering slightly.

"You look pretty cold." Joe commented.

"It's winter. I can deal with cold Joe." You frowned, lying through your teeth. Joe rolled his eyes and took of his grey scarf. Joe turned to you and wrapped it around your neck.

"You're gonna catch your death shivering like that." Joe mumbled, making sure the scarf was secure. You looked up at the same time as Joe and you took in his face. His cheeks were as red as his nose, and his blue eyes were beautiful in the night. Joe was looking at your equally red nose and (E/C) eyes. Joe pulled your lips to his and at once you reacted by kissing back. You two stood there kissing until you pulled back.

"Why were you avoiding me?" You panted, emotion clear in your voice.

"I like you, a lot, but I'm always on tour. I don't want you to get hurt by me." Joe answered honestly. You frowned and took Joe's hands in yours.

"Joey, all you gotta do is ask me to come with you. I'd follow you you to the ends of the earth." You promised. Joe smiled and rested his forehead to yours.

"I was putting all this distance between us, when all I really needed was you close." He mumbled before reconnecting his lips to yours.

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