Pete Imagine: A Lover On The Left; A Sinner On The Right

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He would would spend the whole day with you.

But he spent the nights with her.

Pete looked down at you as you were falling asleep on his shoulder. You were so innocent, so pure, everything that Pete had wanted.

Then why was he even seeing her?

Pete's phone vibrated and he looked down quickly.

Pat :) :
R we working on lyrics tonight?

Pete felt guilty as soon as he saw the text. The name was just a front so no one would really know who he was talking to. Even the phrase, innocent enough, had a far worse meaning behind it. He looked back down at you. You weren't even really his girlfriend. You two were going on dates and spending time together, but there was no label. Pete wanted to change that. He fiddled with his phone momentarily before replying back to the message.

I'll be there in 15 mins.

He carefully got up, but you still woke up.

"Pete, where are you going?" You asked sleepily.

"Pat texted me. We're gonna work on lyrics." Pete answered. You nodded before standing.

"Alright. Are we still on for lunch tomorrow?" You smiled, (E/C) eyes full of hope. God, what he'd give to always see you like this.

"Yeah. I'll see you at lunch." Pete smiled back. He kissed you softly and sweetly before rushing off to his car.

When Pete got to her house, he sat in the car for a few minutes. This was getting harder every time he drive here. He wanted to go in, but on the other hand, he didn't. After 7 minutes, he got the courage to walk to the door. When the door opened, Meagan stood there, a smile on her face.

"I thought you'd never come." She growled playfully. She pulled Pete past the threshold and for a few hours, he forgot his guilt.

*The Next Morning*

Pete was up since 5. He could only think of you; your eyes, your smile, your laugh...and how disappointed you'd be if you could see him now. Meagan slept soundly next to him, not even caring that she was breaking up a potential relationship. At 7, she woke up to see Pete looking at her.

"What, you wanna go again, cause I'm kinda tired, tiger." Meagan laughed.

"I'm not coming back Meagan." Pete stated.

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm gonna make things official with (Y/N). She's gonna be my girlfriend."

"You really think she'll be able to satisfy you as much as I do?"

"Yes, because...I'm falling for her, hard." Meagan scoffed and sat up off the bed.

"It's whatever Pete. For what it's worth, I did enjoy our time together." She sighed.

"I bet you say that to the other two guys." Pete shot back dryly. Meagan gave him a devious smirk before pulling on her underwear and a shirt.

"You bet I do." She winked. Meagan exited the room and Pete rubbed his eyes tiredly. He finally did it, he ended things! Pete looked down at him phone and saw the picture of you and him as his lock screen. Now all he had to do was get you to be his girlfriend...

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