Pref #29: Daddy FOB: Who's Pregnant??

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"P-Pregnant?" Patrick stuttered. His heart stopped, his woke world was crashing around him. He could hear nothing but the blood pumping through his body.

His little girl was pregnant? The same little girl who had tea parties with him? The same little girl who cried over braces? The same little girl who used to go to the studio with him? The same little girl who was once so unbelievably tiny, yet his whole world? No, not this little girl. Not his little girl. This had to be some cruel joke. This can't be real.

"...daddy? Dad!" Diana cried. Patrick looked at his daughter, his little girl, eyes red with tears and hands shaking.

" know better than this. We taught you better!" You frowned.

"Zander and I were safe! He always wore a condom every single time and we only, three times." Diana explained.

"Just one mistake is all it can take." Patrick sighed.

"Are you really quoting Centuries right now Trick?" You scoffed.

"I quote music when I'm nervous but it's gonna get better! Aw dammit." Patrick said nervously.

"Guys, what am I gonna do? I don't wanna kill the baby." Diana cried.

"There's so much other options Ana. We'll get through this. I'll set up an appointment and call Joe. It'll be okay." You said before leaving. Diana sat across from her father who was just looking at her.

"D-dad, I'm s-so sorry." She cried softly. Patrick could only see that little 5 year old girl with tears in her eyes. He got up and pulled her into a hug.

"It's gonna be okay Diana. Daddy's here." He muttered.


"I'm sorry, did I hear you right?" Joe stuttered.

"Dad, I don't know how this could've happened!" Zander sobbed.

"Man, we went over this! I taught you way better than this Zand!"

"I know you did, but we were careful dad, we always are! I just...I'm not ready to be a dad. I'm barely done being a kid! But I love Diana, and I'd do anything to support her and this child if needed to." Joe sighed and rubbed his face with his hand.

"Zander, I...I'm just so disappointed in you. Dear god, what would your mother say about this?" He frowned.

"She's probably strangle me, bring me back to life, then strangle me again." Zander sniffled.

"Listen, I'm glad you told me Zand, because I can help you. Keeping secrets are one way to an early death; too much stress."

"Thank you dad."

"I'm gonna call Patrick so we can talk about this. Do Diana's parents know?"

"Yeah, we said that we'd tell our parents today." Joe stood and looked at Zander one more time.

"Even though I'm not happy with this situation; I'm glad you handled it responsibly." He said before walking to the phone.

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