Patrick Imagine: Weight Problems

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A/N: requested by @NERDALERTGUYS.

Patrick stood in front of the full body mirror, hating the way his shirt fit over his stomach. He put both hands over his slightly pudgy stomach and frowned on disgust. Why does he look like this? Why can't he be fit like Pete, or Andy, or Joe? Why are you even with him? Patrick kicked the mirror in anger as all the negative thoughts of society flooded his head.

"Patrick, is everything okay?" You called from downstairs.

"I'm fine." Patrick panted, his eyes stinging with unshed tears of anger and frustration. Hearing the rage in Patrick's voice, you walked up the stairs and turned to the bedroom. Patrick stood in front of the broken mirror, his eyes red with the tears.

"Patrick." You said softly. Patrick turned to you, angry at himself.

"What (Y/N)?! Finally seeing how fucking up I am? Well, it took you long enough." He scoffed, the tears breaking free.

"Patrick, what's going on? Talk to me." You pleaded, taking his hand in your own. Patrick snatched it away as he freely began to sob.

"I don't know how you can love me even though I don't love myself. How can you stand to even look at me?" Patrick cried.

"Trick I don't understand. Please help me understand." You begged, tears filling your own eyes, seeing the love of your life in so much pain.

"I'm so fucking fat! Everyone knows it, even if some of them don't say it. I'm a ugly loser (Y/N), yet you still waste your time with me." Patrick explained. You grabbed Patrick's hand once again and dragged him to the bathroom.

"Take off your shirt and your pants." You instructed.

"Huh?" Patrick frowned.

"Just do it." Patrick obeyed as you did the same. In the end you stood in your bra and underwear in front of Patrick while he wore his boxers.

"Look at me and tell me what you see." You said. Patrick's eyes roamed your body before looking back to your eyes.

"You're beautiful (Y/N). There's nothing else to say." He sniffled.

"You forgot my stretch marks, my scars from a kid, and every other imperfection on my body." You sighed. Patrick looked again and noticed a faded scar from your rib cage to your belly button and the stretch marks by your thighs.

"How'd you get the scar?" Patrick asked.

"My cousin was running with a knife. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time." You explained. Patrick looked back to your face and saw the concern in your eyes.

"Why would you ever call yourself fat, Patrick?" You asked.


"Is his own person. He's different from you." You said cutting Patrick off.

"Wouldn't you rather be with someone like him?"

"For what? Why be with a Pete when I can be with you Patrick, the one and only." You pulled Patrick into a hug, pressing your face into his soft shoulder.

"Patrick; my one and only." You mumbled.

"I hope you don't see those scars and stretch marks as ugly things, because they're not." Patrick said.

"I did, but then I met you and you never bat an eye at them. It's the ones who don't see your scars as imperfections who are the ones who really love you, and they're all you need." Patrick smiled and kissed your cheek.

"Thank you (Y/N). I love you so damn much." He sniffled.

"And I love you, because you're always perfect to me." You say, kissing Patrick's shoulder.

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