New Year, New Book?

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Imagine this...

You and the guys sitting in a dark auditorium, confused as hell 'cause like, how'd you even get there? Suddenly a G note is heard and a single spotlight is on the stage. You wipe a black tear away, expecting to see everyone's favorite lemon Gerard.

You're wrong, it's me, your benevolent author, dressed in a black strapless dress, black eyeliner and purple lipstick.

"The black parade is dead. Emo is over. You can all go home now." I say abruptly into the microphone. The music is cut and the auditorium is silent.

Then you stand up.

"No, emo will never be over." You state confidently.

"I will defend the faith." Pete follows.

"Going down swinging." Patrick adds.

"In an earlier round or not." Joe nodds

"This is just one fever you can't sweat out." Andy says and everyone just looks at him.

"Come on dude, we didn't do that album." Patrick sighs.

"Sorry." Andy mumbles.

"Silence. Emo is over. It's time to introduce Emo 2.0." I announce.

"I don't understand! Why here? Why now?" You exclaim. I turn to the invisible camera that only I can see.

"Because M A N I A is coming." I say seriously. A chorus of gasps can be heard from behind me. I'm pretty sure I can also hear the sound of Pete fainting but whatever.

"Where will we start this Emo 2.0?" Joe asks.

"I must...make a book 5." I answer.

"A book 5! But you've already done books 1-4! When will it end?" Andy asks incredulously.

"It'll end when I've decided I've had enough...or you've had enough." I respond.

"When will it be out? Book 5, I mean?" Pete stutters, finally coming to from passing out.

"As soon as possible. Emo 2.0 must be initiated before the wave comes. M A N I A is sure to be a bop and I've gotta be ready for it." I say. You and the guys all nod, slowly exiting the auditorium.

"Hey!" Pete calls, getting my attention. I turn to him, the tiredness showing in my eyes.

"Stay frosty royal milk tea." He says before disappearing. I sigh and turn my head.

"I'm getting to old for this." I state, picking up my tea cup. I walk to the lap top and open up Wattpad, heading to create new story.

"You can do this. I believe in you." I turn to see Bucky standing there a long with all my mens, silently cheering me on. Peter Parker, my heart, drapes a blanket over my shoulders, kissing my cheek.

"You got this." He says. I nod and turn back to the computer.

"Here goes nothing." I mumble, fingers ready to start typing a whole new imagine for a whole new book.

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