Patrick Imagine: Łøvë $¡¢k Pt. 3

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*4 Weeks Later*

Tour was winding down, Patrick proposed, Elisa said yes, and everyday you saw Patrick with Elisa, you wanted to die a million deaths.

You slept with her boyfriend.

Correction, her fiancé.

Patrick was great at pretending the whole ordeal never happened. He went on business as usual.

You cried daily.

You couldn't even bare to be in the same room as Patrick or Elisa. How could you ever face them? Your brother noticed and inevitable intervened.

"(Y/N), is everything alright between you and Patrick?" Joe asked one night, when everyone had fallen asleep.

"Peachy." You mumbled, feeling sick at telling the lie. Joe gave you a stern look.

"Don't lie to me. I know you better than you think." He demanded. You bit your lip as tears filled your eyes.

"Please don't tell anyone." You sobbed. You told Joe all about the night when you and Patrick did the deep, leaving out descriptive details.

"Oh (Y/N)...I'm so sorry." Joe frowned, pulling you into a hug.

"He told me he loved me, then said it meant nothing to him. It meant everything to me!" You cried. Joe rubbed your back, mentally thinking of 100 ways he could torture his bandmate.

"Screw Patrick then. He obviously can't see how awesome you are. Anyone with eyes can tell." Joe smiled encouragingly. As soon as he said that, you thought back to the man with blue eyes.


Just being with him for a few minutes, you could tell he was a gentleman. Maybe you could give him a chance...

"Yo sis, where's your head at?" Joe frowned. You smiled slightly and sniffled softy.

"Just thinking about contacting a friend." You answered.

*2 Weeks Later*

Tour was finally over and Patrick was proposing today. He had planned the whole thing to take place at a restaurant, and invited everyone to attend. You were going, but not alone. You had invited Sebastian to the last show on tour and got a chance to hang out with him. You wanted to take things slow, but so far, everything was great.

"(Y/N), do I have to wear something formal?" Sebastian asked walking you back from your date.

"A nice shirt and jeans is okay Seb." You replied. Sebastian just smiled and intertwined his fingers with yours.

"So, after today...I'm heading to D.C. for a movie premiere. I was wondering if you wanted to be my date." He said nervously.

"There's gonna be an awful amount of paparazzi there. You sure you wanna be public with me?" You teased.

"I do. I really do." Sebastian chuckled.

"I'd love to."

*At The Restaurant*

You walked into the restaurant with Sebastian at your side. Patrick was looking nervous in the corner. For a split second, his eye caught yours and his jaw dropped.

You looked stunning in your dress and Patrick wanted nothing more than to be the man at your side

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You looked stunning in your dress and Patrick wanted nothing more than to be the man at your side.

But he didn't love you. He was proposing to another woman.

You waved slightly before taking your seat across from Patrick.

"What's the deal with you two? Weren't you guys dating?" Seb whispered.

"We had a one night stand and I saw his true colors. We don't work." You answered truthfully. When Pete said that Elisa was coming, everyone had to act natural. Patrick stood by the door, smile on his face, ring in hand.

"Patrick, what's this?"

"I did all this because there's something I want to do." Patrick said nervously. His eyes filtered around the room before landing on you.

You looked so fine with this. Why? Didn't you love him? You should be begging him to stop. Give him a way out so he could be with you!

At that moment, Patrick made up his mind.

"I slept with (Y/N)." He said. Every eye looked at you as you stated with wide eyes.

"Y-You did what?" Elisa stuttered, embarrassment and sadness in her eyes.

"I love her." Patrick nodded.

"Screw you Patrick!" Elisa sobbed running off. No one went after her. Patrick just looked back at you.

"(Y/N), I know I said some dumb hurtful things to you, but I love you. Please, be with me." He said walking towards you. You were still struggling to come to terms with what just happened.

"Are you freaking insane! You were proposing to your girlfriend! You said it was a mistake! I'm with Sebastian!" You yelled. Patrick flinched back.


"Did you think this was some dumb fanfic where the girl goes back to the asshole guy, just because the story's centered around him?! I have standards." You scoffed. You stood up with Sebastian, leaving Patrick standing in shock.

But he really did love you.


A/N: This took an unexpected turn but I still went with it. Fingers crossed!

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