Pete Imagine: I Don't Love You (But I Always Will) Pt.2

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*1 Month Later*

The play was opening tomorrow night and you were honestly so excited. Pete was usually the (un)lucky listener to your rambling.

"Suppose a talent scout is in the crowd? They could see me, like me, and take me away to Hollywood. This could be my shot Pete!" You would cheer. At that moment Pete, just glad to be in your presence, would smile and nod in agreement, even if he had no clue what you just said.

Pete walked into the lunch room with you by his side chattering excitedly about the play.

"Hey (Y/N), what are you doing after the show tonight?" Pete asked, cutting off your rambling.

"Probably just going home and resting for tomorrow's show." You shrugged.

"How about I take you out? We could probably catch a movie. I'll pay for everything."

"Geeze Pete, you've been taking me out every week this month." Pete blushed and turned away from you slightly.

"What can I say? I enjoy your company okay." Pete smiled. You chuckled and stopped Pete by grabbing his arm.

"I'd love to go out with you Pete. I'll see later, okay?" You said. Pete nodded and you kissed his cheek before walking off. Pete walked over to his friends and sat down.

"So, we're not gonna talk about what we all obviously saw?" Joe asked.

"What are you talking about?" Pete frowned.

"You and (Y/N) totally being goals in the middle of the cafeteria." Brendon scoffed. Pete rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Me and (Y/N) are friends. I just find her interesting." He said, blushing lightly.

"You might be a bitch ass liar, but your body can't help but tell the truth. You like her!" Joe laughed.

"I think it's cute. I've never seen you so nervous over a girl." Andy smiled.

"(Y/N) doesn't make me nervous!" Pete argued.

"Liar." Joe, Andy, and Brendon said at the same time. Pete groaned and looked over at you eating with Patrick.

It's not love or anything, right?

To be continued...

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