Patrick Imagine: There's Something About Patrick Pt.2

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You sat behind your desk when the phone rang.

"Winchester Auto Shop. How may I help you today?" You asked.

"Hey, (Y/N) right?" The voice replied.

"Yeah. May I ask who's speaking?"

"Oh it's Patrick Stump. Black 2014 Toyota Camry?"

"Oh, how may I help you Mr. Stump?"

"I know it hasn't been 3 weeks exactly but do you think I can bring in my car now? I think something's going on under the hood."

"I'll talk to Dean about it, hold please." You put down the phone before walking to where Dean was fixing the tires on a car.

"Dean, you busy today?" You asked softly.

"Depends, is this you asking or a customer?" Dean sighed turning to you.

"Patrick. His car is acting up under the hood."

"Fuck. I'm pretty swamped today with those spare part shipments coming in. Ya know what, tell Patrick to come after closing and I'll see him." You smiled and nodded.

"Alright. We still going out for lunch?" You asked hopefully. Dean chuckled and pressed a long, loving kiss to your mouth.

"Anything for you." He smiled back. You giggled and walked back to your phone.

"Patrick, you still there?" You asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Dean says he can see you after closing. Is that alright?"

"That's find. I'll see you then."

"Thank you."

"No problem, doll." You blushed as the phone hung up. Doll?

*Later That Night*

You sat with Dean in the garage, waiting for Patrick.

"Oh shoot, baby, I forgot to tell you, but my mom sent you a gift." Dean said.

"Is it more baby clothes? I mean, yeah, we're gonna have kids eventually, but we're not even married yet." You laughed lightly.

"It's not baby clothes this time. She sent over her old wedding dress incase you wanted to wear it. She said you didn't have to though."

"Well now I kind of have to." Dean smiled and pulled you to him.

"I can't wait till we're married, then we can give my mom exactly what she wants." He mumbled, lips inches from yours.

"What's that?" You asked breathlessly.

"Grandkids." Dean pulled your lips to his and wrapped an arm around your waist.

"Sorry to interrupt." Patrick said. You pulled away from Dean, wiping your lips unconsciously.

"Sorry Patrick. Lemme take a look at this car. You want talk about your payment plan upfront with (Y/N)." Dean said, a smile still on his face. Patrick nodded and allowed you to lead him to the front of the auto shop.

"So Mr. Stump, how do you plan on paying?" You asked.

"Credit." Patrick said, smirk on his face. What's with the damn smirk?

"Is there something funny Mr. Stump?" You said dryly.

"I wonder if you kiss everyone like that. Wonder what that pretty little mouth would feel like on my-" You cut Patrick off with a stifled squeak of surprise.

"W-What?" You stuttered. Patrick just chuckled and walked closer to you.

"I'll know soon enough, so it's okay." Patrick shrugged.

"I-I thought Dean was your friend." You mumbled.

"Well then he won't mind sharing." Patrick placed his warm lips on the side of your neck and you jumped away in fear. This seemed to make him laugh more.

"I'm gonna have fun with you." Patrick commented suggestively leaving you confused.

You're with Dean.

To be continued...

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