Joe Imagine: We're So Miserable and Stunning Pt.2

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Previously, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 4...

"Bummer, I was hoping this wouldn't be the last time we could see each other." Joe's eyes held a mysterious glint in them and it gave you a burst of courage.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be." You smirked. You found yourself thinking, could this be the start of something new? Could Joe be the guy you've been waiting for all your life?

Then all hell broke loose.

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 4...

The gun shot was loud and cut through the calm environment. You screamed and dropped to the floor along with Joe. You looked and saw the old man behind the register was laying in front of the counter, dead. Joe was fumbling with his phone, dialing for 911, but you couldn't stop staring into the dead eyes of the old man. The shooter came into the aisle and looked at both you and Joe.

"Phones and wallets, now!" He yelled. Joe slid over his phone and wallet without hesitation, but you still couldn't move.

"(Y/N), give the man what he wants." Joe said nudging you. Those dead eyes, would yours look the same.

"Lady, I said phones and wallets, now!" The man growled, grabbing you by your hair. He painfully yanked you back to reality as your head began to sting.

"No, no, please! I'm so sorry." You sobbed. You threw your wallet and phone on the floor as the tears flowed from your eyes. The man dropped you and picked up your belongings. He was about to leave when sirens were heard outside the gas station.

"Who the fuck called the cops?! Was it you, you little bitch?!" The man asked, pressing the gun to your temple.

"NO! No, I didn't call, please, I didn't call! I promise you!" You cried hysterically.

"She didn't call! I did!" Joe shouted. The man turned to Joe and a before you could register what was happening, a gunshot rang out. Your screamed mixed with Joe's as his hand flew to the hole in his leg.

"You're both staying here and you're gonna play by my rules. Understood?" The man ordered. You and Joe nodded quickly.

"This is gonna be fun." The man mumbled.

To be continued...

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