Patrick Imagine: Like Real People Do Pt. 2

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*Next Day*

Patrick woke up the next morning, a slight smile on his face. He could practically feel his lips tingling from the kiss yesterday. He walked out of his room to the living room where the other guys sat, eating breakfast. Everyone turned to him.

"Well if it isn't Patrick the lucky bastard." Pete smirked walking towards his friend.

"What do you mean?" Patrick asked in confusion.

"It's nothing Trick. Don't bother with Pete." Joe assured Patrick, throwing a glare Pete's way.

"Come on Joe. We all know exactly what went down yesterday." Pete laughed.

"Know about what?" Patrick growled. Just then, (Y/N) walked into the apartment and Pete smirked at her.

"Morning all." (Y/N) smiled walking over to Patrick. He couldn't help but blush when he saw her.

"Morning Trick." (Y/N) said.

"Morning." Patrick said softly, smiling.

"It's so cute! Someone save me." Pete cheered. Joe and Andy lightly snickered.

"So, how was that make out session?" Joe teased lightly. Both (Y/N) and Patrick blushed.

"How do you know about that?" Patrick asked.

"We didn't, not until you confirmed it." Andy laughed. Patrick blushed and fidgeted uncomfortably while (Y/N) just rolled her eyes.

"Oh grow up guys. Just because you haven't gotten a kiss like that in a while doesn't mean you have to be jealous." She smirked walking past the guys to the kitchen. Joe, Pete and Andy were just laughing. (Y/N) came back with a glass of orange juice.

"So...what else happened?" Joe smirked.

"I'm not gonna talk about this with you guys. This is my personal life." (Y/N) chuckled.

"So (Y/N), you and Patrick are together now?" Andy asked.

"Andy, I'm not answering. Come on Trick. I wanna show you something." (Y/N) said grabbing Patrick's hand. She dragged him out to her car.

"(Y/N), can we talk about yesterday?" Patrick asked suddenly.

"Sure. What about it?" (Y/N) replied, getting behind the wheel. She started the car and drove out away.

"You do actually like me right? That wasn't a pity kiss?" Patrick frowned timidly. (Y/N)'s smile dropped and she looked concerned.

"I do Patrick. Why is that so hard for you to understand?" She frowned.

"I just...I don't think you'd want to be involved with me." Patrick mumbled.

"Why not?"

"I'm a bit messed up."

"We're all messed up in our own way Patrick, and I don't care. I only want you." (Y/N) stopped the car and Patrick got out first. They were at a park.

"Trick, I'm gonna need a better excuse than you being messed up because I really don't care about that." (Y/N) pushed as they started walking.

"I'm dangerous. Hell, I have a hook for a hand. Find a normal guy and live a normal life with him. You don't get normal with me and you deserve better." Patrick sighed. (Y/N) grabbed him by his chin softly.

"First of all, don't tell me what I deserve. Second of all, I don't want normal. You're normal enough for me." She whispered fiercely. Patrick placed his hook on her waist.

"Feel that? That's not a normal hand. (Y/N), I was kidnapped, brainwashed, drugged, had my hand taken from me, and forced to kill my friends. I'm as abnormal as they come." Patrick grumbled. (Y/N) just shook her head.

"And if I like that?" She asked, gazing lovingly into Patrick's beautiful eyes.

"(Y/N), you do understand that if we do this, if we try to become something, it's putting the both of us in danger?" Patrick asked seriously.

"I don't care." (Y/N) argued.

"You will if someone gets you to get to me."

"I know you'll save me."

"And you won't leave when it gets to hard?"


"You promise?"

"I promise." (Y/N) wrapped her arms around Patrick's neck and continued to stare into his beautiful eyes.

"Please kiss me." She whispered. Patrick leaned in and connected his lips with hers. Patrick was grasping for the back of (Y/N)'s shirt with his flesh hand, needing the acknowledgement that someone was here. He needed some stability in his life. (Y/N) was glad to be able to take that position.

"I'm here Patrick. I'm here and I'm not leaving." She said softly while stroking his cheek.

"I-I...Thank you." Patrick whimpered.

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