Pete Imagine: Doomed Dreamers Pt.2

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13 Years Later...

You walked out of the grocery store, your 3 year old niece, Ginger, holding onto your hand.

"Auntie (Y/N), can I have mac 'n cheese when we get home?" She asked.

"Whatever you want sweetie." You smiled, unlocking your car and putting in the groceries. Luckily you had a day off from your job, so you were able to spend the day with your niece.

"(Y/N)?" A voice asked. You turned to see Pete holding a bag of groceries.

"Hey Pete." You said in shock. Pete Wentz in the flesh after 13 years.

"You look great." Pete chuckled lightly. Then his eyes went to Ginger's.

"Who is this?" Pete asked softly.

"Oh, this is my niece, Ginger. Ginger, this is my good friend, Pete." You smiled softly. Ginger waved shyly and Pete waved back. He looked back up at you, still entranced my your beauty.

"We've really grown up huh?" Pete stated.

"Yeah, we're not 18 anymore." You replied. Ginger looked from you to Pete, unaware of the unresolved tension between you two.

"Ginger you want to sit in the car?" You suggested. She nodded and slid into the car. You looked back over at Pete sighed.

"How is everything?" You asked.

"Great. And you?" Pete nodded.

"Amazing." Awkward silence...

"You ever got your dream (Y/N)?" Pete asked suddenly. You scoffed and rolled your eyes.

"Not exactly." You admitted.

"What's missing?" Pete frowned.

"You." Pete frozen and looked at your regretful face.

"I loved you Pete, and I still do, but I left you for stupid reasons! You were my dream and you will always be my dream. I don't want to dream without you." You confessed. Pete smiled and kissed you. When he pulled out, he placed his lips near your eyes.

"You're still my dream." He whispered.

Then the car came...

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