Pref #32: Your Kid Goes Through Their "Emo" Phase

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A/N: A lot of emo stereotyping here.


Patrick sat in the front seat, a bit uncomfortable. After 2 months of his European tour, you, Diana, and Declan had picked him up from the airport. Of course his kids had changed. Declan was a bit taller and lost another tooth. Even you had changed. Your hair got a bit longer. The most drastic change was Diana's.

She sat in the backseat, arms folded across her chest, and headphones in her ears. She wore a black Slipknot t-shirt, black skinny jeans with chains hanging from the pockets, purple fingerless gloves, and black combat boots. Her once brown hair was now black and tied back. Her eyes were circled with black eyeliner and purple lipstick stained her lips.

Her time had come.

"So, Patrick, see anything interesting in Europe?" You asked, focusing on the road.

"So we're not gonna talk about this?" Patrick asked, gesturing to his 15 year old daughter.

"Mom says there's nothing to talk about, dad. It's just a phase." Declan replied. Diana ripped off her headphones and glared at her brother.

"Shut up! You don't understand my pain!" She hissed. Patrick looked over at you.

"We'll talk later Trick." You promised.

*At Home*

"I was literally gone for only 2 months. How did this happen?" Patrick asked.

"It just happened. She starting listening to new music, and discovered the music that speaks to her pain, and just started dressing like that." You explained.

"Why didn't you stop her?"

"Because, this is normal Patrick. Everybody went through their emo phase. Why shouldn't our daughter get the chance?" Patrick sighed and fell back on the bed.

"I just can't believe it's happened already." He pondered. You fell right next to him, a slight smile on your face.

"You getting flashbacks to your phase?" You asked.

"Shut up." Patrick laughed before kissing you.


Zander Trohman sat in the back of his English class, doodling little skulls and writing song lyrics in his notebook. He wore a black Asking Alexandria shirt under his black hoodie. His skinny jeans were becoming a faded black. He had little drawing on the white of his converse. To cover to top of his head, Zander wore a beanie and kept his head low.

"Mr. Trohman, do you care to read your poem for the class?" Mrs. Smith, the English teacher, asked. Zander looked around at his classmates before standing up. He walked to the front of class and unfolded his poem from his pocket.

Sometimes I feel invisible
Like my role in life is only minimal
The fear of blending in with the crowd
When all I want to do is shout out loud
It seems my voice can only disappear
How can I be seen
If no one pulls back the screen?
Open their minds to something new?
But what can I do?
All I am is invisible

The class sat in silence, almost as if someone had stolen their car radios. Mrs. Smith smiled weakly at Zander, writing down a note to remember to call his parents.

*After School*

You and Joe had just picked up Zander from school, hearing about the poem he read in class.

"I don't know what more evidence you need Joseph! He's writing emo poetry! He's no better than Pete." You frowned.

"It's just a phase." Joe responded.

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