Pref #6: He Finds Out About The Kid You Two Had Pt. 2

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You pulled up to the back of the venue, nervously tapping n the steering wheel. You had to take the night of from work just to come and pick up Diana. Not to mention you had to pick up extra shifts to earn back the money it cost to buy Diana's concert and meet and greet ticket.

While waiting for Diana to come to the car you let your mind slip back to the last time you saw Patrick. The day you found out you were pregnant which was the day he said things weren't gonna work out between you two. He was focusing on his music career and just couldn't deal with a relationship at the moment. It was then that you realized that Patrick was always gonna be on tour. He had no time for kids right now. You just nodded and agreed, keeping the secret of your unborn child to yourself.

A tapping noise came from your window and you turned to see the last person you expected to see.

"Patrick?" You frowned in fear. You opened the car door to see Diana standing next to Patrick.

"Why did you bring him here?" You desperately asked your daughter.

"I told him you were my dad and he was my dad, so he wanted to ask you why." Diana explained. You turned to Patrick's conflicted face as he ran a tongue across his lips.

"Why? Why didn't you tell me? I could've helped you." He asked desperately.

"You're a musician. needed to focus on your career and I respected that." You sniffled, old feelings resurfacing.

"(Y/N), if you just would've told me that you were pregnant, I would've dropped everything for you. You're the one that got away."

" You just feel bad."

"Of course I feel bad, but I mean it! I wish I was there for you in that delivery room, there for you all those sleepless nights, on Diana's first days of school and everything else." It was then that the tears broke free.

"I wanted that too! B-but I couldn't do that to you! I couldn't live knowing that I kept you from your dream because I screwed up and got pregnant!" You sobbed. Diana just watched in awe as Patrick pulled you into his arms, something she was used to doing when you sometimes cried late at night.

"Hey, if anything, I screwed up too, but I would've found a way to try and make it work if you had said something. You were always the one (Y/N)." Patrick whispered in your ear. Your sobs subsided and you felt Diana grab your hand.

"You okay mom? I'm sorry if I made you cry." She said guiltily.

"It's fine Di. Let's go home." You assured her, smiling softly.

"Can dad, come too?" Diana asked hopefully. You looked over at Patrick who was smiling at Diana.

"Do you wanna come over, Patrick?" You asked.

"I would love too." He accepted. You all got in the car, Diana filling Patrick in on the last few years of her life, just happy to finally have her father back in her life.


After dinner, Zander went to the living room to watch tv and you and Joe were left in the kitchen.

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