Pref #34: Bath For Two

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A/N: I originally had the whole bath idea for a Daddy!FOB preference and then I thought of this so I decided I would make them two separate preferences. Also I have done a Patrick Imagine like this back in book 3. Enjoy!


You came home to hear music being played from upstairs. Patrick's home? A slight smile adorned your face at the thought of your beloved boyfriend being here to make your shitty day less shitty. Work was a pain today and you wanted nothing more than to just relax and unwind with the love of your life. You kicked off your heels by the door and trudged up the stairs.

"Paaaatriiick." You whined. You walked to the mini studio, knowing that your boyfriend enjoyed spending time in there. Sure enough when you opened the door, there sat your cuddly boyfriend.

"(Y/N). What are you doing home already?" Patrick asked looking over at you.

"Had a shit day today, so I gave up me decided to come home. Told my boss I wasn't feeling well." You answered. Patrick gave you a sympathetic smile and walked to you.

"Hey, head to the bathroom, get undressed, and put on a robe. I got something for you." He said lowly. You raised an eyebrow at this.

"I thought I knew where this was going, but then after getting undressed you told me to cover up." You smirked. Patrick just laughed and kissed your forehead.

"Go and then meet me by the bathroom okay?" He smiled. You nodded and went to do as you were told. You got undressed and put on the robe, waiting by the bathroom. Suddenly Patrick opened the door, beckoning you inside. You walked in to see the bathroom lit with 5 candles and a warm bath running for you.

"For you. I hope you feel better." He said looking at your grateful face. You looked over at Patrick and kissed him tenderly.

"I ask myself how I was able to get so lucky everyday." You mumbled against your boyfriend's lips.

"Get in the bath and just enjoy yourself. If you need anything I'll be in the studio. Just call." Patrick smiled. You grabbed his hand as a smirk found its way on your face.

"How am I supposed to enjoy myself if you're not with me?" You asked innocently. Patrick could only laugh as you pulled his shirt over his head. Within minutes, you were both undressed and laying in the tub. You had your head resting on Patrick's chest as he just talked to you about his day, making your shitty day a lot less shitty.


You sat in the bathtub as the bathroom lights dimly illuminated the room. The water had gone from hot to lukewarm but it didn't bother you the least. You were just glad for the chance to unwind, but something was missing.

"(Y/N), I have successfully survived another session with the lyrical maniac that is Pete Wentz." Joe called as he walked in the the house. You chuckled softly.

"I'm in the bath." You called back. Moments later, the bathroom door carefully opened and you saw your curly haired, newly wed husband.

"Hey. Glad your home." You smiled.

"How long have you been in here." Joe asked sitting at the edge of the bath.

"I don't even know man. I'm just trying to relax and feel ya know. But nothings really happening." You sighed. Joe thought for a minute before taking off his clothes.

"What are you doing?" You asked in confusion.

"Well you're in the bath, I want to take a bath, so I'm getting naked in order to join you." Joe shrugged.

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