Andy Imagine: I've Always Been There And I Always Will Be Pt. 2

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*6 Years Later*

"Fabian, Winona! Come in for dinner!" You called to your two children who were playing outside on the large estate of your land. Fabian came running to you first, some dirt on his face.

"What're we eating mama?" The curious 5 year old asked.

"I made spaghetti." You smiled. 

"You made pasghetti mama?!" 3 year old Winona gasped. She pushed the stray strands of her short brown hair behind her ear. Her bangs were pinned to the sides by two little clips.

"Yes, now let's wash up so we can eat." You replied. The two happy children ran to the bathroom and the smile fell from your face as the truck pulled up.

"Fabian! Papa home!" Winona cheered. Both children ran past you at the door frame and out to their father, exciting the truck.

"Papa!" They both squealed. Andy smiled and picked up both of your children. You clenched your hands at your side as the tears threatened to spill from your eyes. 6 years and you still couldn't stand to see your captor. Those blue eyes met your own (E/C) and you wanted the ground to swallow you whole. Andy walked over to you, children in hand.

"Head in and start eating kiddos. Mama and papa will join ya in a few." Andy said, putting down Fabian and Winona. They were just glad to do anything to make their father happy. Andy's eyes looked you up and down, making you feel vulnerable and naked.

"How's my girl doing?" He asked. You lowered your eyes from his, looking at your feet.

"I'm good. How was work?" You asked softly.

"You know how I hate being away from you and the kids." Andy raised his hand to your shoulder, railing it down your side. He brought his mouth close to your ear and the tears began to form in your eyes.

"I promise I'll stay home more for the next one." He whispered, hand resting on your 5 month baby bump. You bit back a sob and nodded. Andy walked inside, leaving you alone for the tears to silently stream down your face. How could this be your life now?

2 years after you were taken, you were presumed dead and no one was looking for you. By then you had Fabian who was nearly 1 year old. He, like Winona, was born at home, for if you were taken to a hospital your identity would have surely been discovered. It was a year after having Winona that you gave up hope of ever escaping. Fabian absolutely adored Andy and you couldn't bare to take your son from his father. Also would also be much harder to run with two children than it would be to run with one.

"Mama! Come eat!" Winona called.

"Yeah, you and lil sibling need to eat!" Fabian added. You wiped your eyes quickly and walked into the kitchen, taking your seat across from Andy.

"So...I have to run to the store tomorrow and I was thinking you all could come with me. Sort of like a family vacation." Andy suggested.

"Papa please! Can we come?" Fabian begged. Andy looked over at you, making your heart speed up slightly.

"Ask your mama." He said.

"Mama, can we go please?" Winona asked quickly.

"Sure." You said simply, looking back down at your plate. This would be your first time, since you were taken, that you would leave the estate.

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