Patrick Imagine: The Vicious Cycle

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*7 Years Earlier*

You walked in to the coffee shop from across your office, when a guy with blue eyes caught your (E/C) ones. You smiled at him and he waved back. You ordered your coffee up at front and took a seat at the in front of the man. He smirked at you from behind his drink and you felt yourself blush.

Then his girlfriend sat down across from him.

You knew it was his girlfriend because she kissed him before taking a seat.

All the cute ones are taken. Typical.

Instead of pining after some guy you knew you couldn't have, you focused on your coffee and some lame social media posts.

When the guy and his girlfriend were leaving, you noticed he dropped a napkin on your table. You looked back at him and he only winked. You looked down at the napkin and gasped.

Call me sometime


You and Patrick walked down the streets of New York, happy as ever.

Until you saw her.

"Elisa?" Patrick gasped, a smile making way on his face. It was the girl who's boyfriend you stole seven years earlier...and she looked even prettier, if that was possible.

"Oh no." You mumbled.

"Oh my gosh, Patrick, is that you?" Elisa asked, her perfect, white teeth showing from behind her beautiful smile.

"Wow, it's been so long. You look great." Patrick scoffed.

"Hi, Elisa." You said quietly, but she still heard you.

"Hi! (Y/N), right?" Elisa smiled at you. You smiled back as a way of affirming her guess.

"We should catch up. really look great." Patrick stuttered.

"Of course. I have a new number now." Elisa explained, putting her number in Patrick' phone.

And all you could do was watch.

Watch as history repeated itself in a vicious cycle.

Patrick was going to leave you for Elisa just like he left her for you.

And there's nothing you could do.

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