Andy Imagine: Domestic Life Was Never Quite My Style

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Andy came off stage, his heart still racing from the adrenaline rush he always got from playing drums. He felt alive. Joe, Pete, and Patrick followed behind.

"Great show guys. Now, hurry and get your instruments away. We gotta get back on the road." The tour manager said.

"Alright guys, next stop New York." Joe smiled.

"I can't wait." Andy grinned, then he felt his phone vibrate. Andy answered at put the phone to his ear as he saw your name.

"(Y/N), what's up?" He answered cheerily.

"The baby's coming now." You panted. At this sentence, Andy's face changed from one of excitement to fear.

"You mean now as in right now, or now as in some time next week?" Andy asked frantically.

"Andrew, are you an idiot?! I mean right now!" You yelled back. Andy pulled the phone away from his ear before bringing it back.

"I'll be right there. Don't have that kid without me." He ordered.

"No promised." You grunted, hanging up the phone. All the guts wanted Andy expectingly.

"(Y/N)'s having the baby." Andy said slowly.

"Like right now?" Pete asked in shock.

"Yes!" Andy groaned.

"What are you gonna do?" Patrick asked.

"I gotta get to the hospital. She's all the way at Morristown Medical Center. Getting from the PNC Bank Arts center to there is like an hour." Andy worried.

"I'll tell the tour manager. Everyone on the bus. We're going to Morristown Medical Center." Joe said running off. Andy and the guys ran to the bus, Andy more scared than he'd ever been in his life.

He was gonna be a dad.

*1 Hour Later*

"Don't mess with us lady! I'm Peter Wentz and these are the fall down guys." Pete hissed at the woman who tried to steal their parking space. Andy jumped out of the bus and ran into the hospital, the guys trailing him. He ran to the woman at the front desk.

"(Y/N) (L/N) is having a baby and I'm the father." He panted. The woman directed him to the room and Andy ran as fast as his legs could take him. When he got to the room, he slammed open the door, making everyone look at him.

"Andy!" You sighed in relief. Andy smiled at you, covered in sweat, yet looking radiant as ever. He walked over to you and kissed the side of your head.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world sweetheart." He promised, grabbing your hand.

*1 Hour and a Half Later*

Andy held his son in his arms, tears filling his eyes, his heart beating rapidly. Up until that moment, that fast beating of his heart had only been reserved for playing the drums. Now is could share the space with his son.

His son.

You watched Andy quietly as he interacted with the new born.

"Hey there son, I'm your dad, Andy. You can just call me dad though." Andy whispered.

"Can we name him Fabian?" You asked softly.

"That's a great name. Fabian Hurley. I can't wait to teach him that name." Andy grinned.

"Andy, you still have to be on tour for the next month."

"And then after that we can take a break. My son needs his father."

"And your drumming?"

"It can wait. Maybe I'll teach lil Fabes here how to play." You giggled and held out your arms for your son.

"Well Fabes, you've been here for less than an hour and you've already got your poor daddy wrapped your little finger." You teased, taking him. Andy just smiled.

"You bet he does." He sighed happily.

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