Joe Imagine: Afraid With You

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A/N: Another song fic. Afraid With You by Christon Gray. Give it a listen :)

I'm not afraid to watch you go
And I'm not afraid to watch you leave
I'm not afraid to say good-bye
And I'm not afraid to set you free

"I'm going to work. I'll see you later tonight Joey." You said softly. Joe slowly opened his eyes to see the light shining on your face, making you look something like an angel.

"Have a good day honey." He hummed, his heart hammering against his chest. You smiled, blinding and dazzling him, but in a good way.

"Bye Joe." You giggled kissing his forehead. Joe watched as you left and placed a hand on his heart.

Only you could make it beat so fast.

It's one in the morning
And I'm trying to ignore it
But this problem isn't going away
I'm tired of fighting
And I'm tired of writing
So hard to find the words to say

You came home later than usual and found Joe already in bed. You were slightly disappointed because you had exciting news, but that could wait until tomorrow. Not trying to wake him, you quietly got changed and slid into bed behind him. You wrapped your arm around his torso and nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck. Little did you know, Joe was awake, thinking.

He's never felt like this before, but you made him feel like this.

He couldn't decide if it was good or bad.

I'm not afraid of the games that we'll play
Or afraid of us fading away
With the ups and the downs we've been through

It wasn't easy getting to this point in the relationship. You two used to fight constantly. It started off as one of those "thin line between love and hate" cliches. But Joe wasn't afraid you'd suddenly wake up and realize you fit more on the end of the hate spectrum. He wasn't even afraid that you'd find someone else and leave him unaware. You weren't like that.

There's just something deep in him that knew it was you he wanted and it scared him.

I can't explain what I don't know
And I can't explain what is gon' be
With all this pain I love you so
As long as it ends with you and me

You were his endgame. You were the one he wanted to be with until the day he met the bitter end. He honestly and truly could never picture another person in his life. He wasn't sure if you felt the same, but that's how he felt, or at least how he could put it in words. You yawned softly and turned on your back. Joe shifted his position as well and looked at the way your chest moved up and down. He felt a pang in his heart and bit his lip.

Two in the morning
I don't know what I'm doing
And this problem isn't going away
I'm tired of fighting
And I'm tired of writing
So hard to find the words to say

Why does he feel like this? What does it mean? His love for you is simply complex. It's not black and white, but gray. He loves the little things you do and the smile you give to him and only him. There's not another person in this galaxy that could change the fact. Joe loved you. It was obvious. In fact it was most likely written in the stars. You may not be his, but he will forever and always be yours. But that's still not it. How can he clearly put it into words?

But I don't want to see you go
And I don't want to watch you leave
I'm giving up on all my pride
So I can give you all of me

Even though he knew there was a chance that you could decide to end it, it pretty much killed him to think about. Joe has given himself, mind, soul, body and all to you and if you leave, you'd take him with you. He wouldn't have the heart to try and get himself back. Anything to stay connected to you. It may not be the smartest idea to so wholly give himself to another person but it's been done, and he regrets none of it.

It's three in the morning
I'm trying to ignore
The problem isn't going away
So I'll keep on fighting
And keep on writing
'Till I find the words to say

Joe continued to look at you. Is it your looks? Could that be what's got him so captured and enamored with you? No, that's not the major factor. His eyes trailed down to your chest, but he quickly shook the idea away. This was something far stronger than lust. Even if you decided you never wanted to have sex again, Joe wouldn't even mind. He'd still stay. What could you even call this?

I'm not afraid of the games that we'll play
Or afraid of us fading away
I'm not afraid that you'll always be true
But I'm afraid of the way I love you

It's truly frightening, feeling so strongly for another person. Giving that same person the ability to break you into a million pieces, never being able to repaired again. That's what scares him. That's what hurts. The fact that you hold Joe's very existence in your hand. You could kill him if you want and lord knows he'd die for you. Joe stroked your (H/C) hair softly until you stirred with a small whimper.

One thing better
Than being afraid with you
One thing better
Than being afraid with you
But the thing that's better
Than being afraid with you
Is getting better

"Hey, you're up." You said sleepily.

"I love you." Joe breathed out, shakily.

"I-I love you and I never want to leave you or have you leave me, because you honestly hold my whole life with you. I give you everything gladly. I just...I can't let you go. I love you so damn much and it's scary." Joe continued. You smiled softly and placed a hand on your boyfriend's cheek.

"Joe, I'm not going anywhere. Especially not when I'm carrying your baby." You giggled. Joe's eyes widened in shock and happiness. He looked down at your stomach that was indeed a little rounder.

"Oh my gosh. You're having my baby." He whispered.

"Yeah, I'm having your baby." You grinned. Joe kissed you, not caring about anything else but the feeling of your lips on his.

"Promise you'll stay forever." He panted, breaking the kiss.

"I promise." You panted back.

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