Andy Imagine: Let Me Pick Up The Pieces Pt.3

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You stood outside the office and waited for Andy to come out. It took 10 minutes, but he finally emerged, a sheepish smile on his face.

"What's the deal?" You asked anxiously.

"Detention for the rest of the month." Andy replied. You let out a sigh of relief and pulled Andy into your arms.

"I thought you were a goner." You mumbled into his neck.

"Couldn't leave you by yourself." Andy smiled. You pulled out of the hug and looked into Andy's beautiful eyes.

"You're always there for me when no one else is. I'm so grateful for that." You smiled. Andy chuckled kissed your forehead.

"You deserve the best (Y/N), and I believe that with all my heart." He said honestly. You couldn't help yourself and you kissed him right there. You ended the kiss as soon as it started.

"I...thank you?" Andy giggled happily. You blushed before letting a giggle slip through your lips.

"Thank you Andy. For being there for me." You smiled.

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