Special Imagine: It's a Ziana Wedding!

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Previously from Fall Out Boy Imagines...

"I just don't know how to say this. Mom, dad, I'm getting married." Diana said. You and Patrick both looked at each other.

"So soon?" You asked.

"Yeah, we've never even met the guy." Patrick said a bit angrily.

"Yes you have dad. I'm getting married to Zander." Diana sighed.

"Z-Zander Trohman?" Patrick stuttered.

"Yes." Patrick's eyes rolled to the back of his head and he passed out.


"Hey Zand. What's up?" Joe asked confused.

"Nothing, today's just a really good day. A really, really, good day."

"Why?" You asked.

"I'm getting married mom!" Zander exclaimed.

"Who is she Zand?" Joe asked putting a hand on Zander's shoulder.

"Diana, Diana Stump." Zander said dreamily.

Now, on Fall Out Boy Imagines 4...

"Now, I'm giving my only daughter to your son today. Am I making a mistake Joe?" Patrick whispered to his friend.

"Zander is a great kid Patrick. I mean...I did raise him." Joe smirked. Patrick chuckled and looked down at his shoes.

"I know, I just wanna protect her for as long as possible." He confessed.

"I wanna protect Zander too. He's had such bad luck in love. Those girls would always cheat on him or just plain break him down. I'm glad he's marrying Diana, Patrick." Joe smiled.

"I'm glad too." Patrick smiled back.


"Mom, I can't do this. I can't get married!" Diana worried, shaking in her beautiful dress.

"Diana, that's just the nerves talking

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"Diana, that's just the nerves talking. You look beautiful." You smiled.

"Were you this nervous when you married dad?"

"I literally threw up, but other than that the wedding wasn't that bad. It gets better when you finally get up to the alter and he takes your hands in his. Then...all the nerves disappear and you want nothing more than to be his wife." You explained softly. Diana smiled and took a deep breath.

"Alright mom...I'm finally marrying Zander today. I'm marrying my best friend." She said.


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