Pref #26: You're In An Abusive Relationship

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A/N: If you didn't get it from the title, there will be mentions of domestic abuse. If this is not for you or if it makes you uncomfortable, please exit this chapter now. Stay safe lovelies <3


You gave your signature fake smile as you sat down across from Patrick. His blue eyes bore into your own eyes, almost like he could see deep into your soul.

He knows, you thought worriedly.

Instead, Patrick smiled and leaned over to kiss your cheek.

"Hey, I was worried when I didn't see you yesterday. Glad we could catch lunch though." He said. You thought back to the events of yesterday. Gary had been so mad when he saw Patrick's name appear on your phone. He held your head down in the bathtub full of water until you were thrashing around, begging for air. Then he held you as you cried, promising that he loved you and he was sorry. Of course, you gave him another chance.

"Sorry about that. Gary and I just needed some time for ourselves." You lied smoothly.

"No worries. You ready to order?" Patrick asked. You nodded and both placed your orders. As the waitress left, Patrick looked down at your wrist.

"What's that?" He asked in concern.

"What's what?" You laughed nervously. Patrick reached forward and grabbed your wrist before you could move it. He rolled up the sleeve to your shirt and saw countless bruises: some new, others fading.

"Who did this to you?" Patrick whispered in horror. You bottom lip quivered in fear as you abruptly stood up.

"I have to go now." You said quickly, hurrying out of the diner.

"(Y/N), wait!" Patrick called out, but you had left.


"Where do you think you're going?" Dominic growled, stepping in front of you and the door.

"My friends are getting worried Dom. I-I keep rejecting their plans and they're soon gonna get suspicious. I'm just going out to get them off my back." You stuttered nervously. You looked everywhere except for those hard blue eyes.

"Go put on your choker and your allowed out for an hour. If you get into this house at even 9:01, you'll regret it. You understand me?" Dominic ordered. You nodded quickly. You grabbed your everyday choker and fastened it around your neck. As you walked back to the door, Dominic grabbed your chin roughly.

"I love you, okay. Remember that before you go out there and do something stupid." He whispered before kissing you. You waited until he pulled back from the kiss before leaving the house. When you got to Pete's house, all the guys were already there.

"(Y/N)! It's been so long!" Andy cheered hugging you. You smiled subtly and hugged him back.

"Hey Andy. I missed you guys." You replied. You spotted Joe in the corner of the room smiling at you.

"Hey." He said softly.

"Hi." You stuttered.

*50 Minutes Later*

You were having so much fun with the guys. That is, until you caught view of the clock.

8:50 PM

"I've gotta go." You said, slightly scared.

"What? You just got here." Patrick. whined.

"D-Dom and I have a date tonight." You smiled.

"Can't you stay just a little while longer?" Joe pleaded.

"Yeah, Dom gets you every day of the week. We just want a few hours." Pete scoffed.

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