Joe Imagine: Mess We've Made

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A/N: Song Inspo: Mess We've Made by AJ Rafael ft Tori Kelly

A broken frame laid against the wall, pillows thrown all around the living room, and a vase was smashed on the floor.

You and Joe stood on opposite sides of the room, never before feeling farther apart.

"Go back to that hoe you're fucking, why don't you?!" You spat.

"What about you and Tom Holland?" Joe countered.

"Jesus Joe, I go to one movie premiere and suddenly I'm screwing the star, is that it?"

"You said you'd screw him if given the chance!"

"I was drunk! He's cute, nice, and everything, but I'm with you Joe! I'm not the one who made out with your little girl toy, Allison."

"I was drunk too! Why do you hold that over my head still like some little fucking kid?"

"Because nothing was ever the same since that!" You both stopped yelling and just breathed. Joe looked at your red eyes and wet cheeks. Your chest rose and fell rapidly. He still remembers when he first met you, the beautiful opinionated girl who was always able to make everyone laugh. This wasn't you and he was to blame.

You frowned thinking about when you first met Joe. You were very young, just 18, and he was 26, but you loved him anyway. You ignored everyone and gave him everything you had. You decided from early on you wanted to be with Joe forever. When you turned 20, you both moved in together and that's the same year he kissed Allison. Now, at 21, your relationship has just decayed and you were also to blame.

"Does that really still bother you?" Joe asked softly.

"She's your age and she's always around you. I'm tired of having to compete with her." You explained.

"And what about Tom? He's your age and you two seemed to really hit it off."

"Joe, please don't try to turn this on me."

"You're not seriously giving me all the blame are you?"

"I know about the party 3 weeks ago." At the mention of that party, Joe's eyes got wide.

*Flashback To Party*

Allison and Joe sat on the porch, both of them drunk.

"Why aren't we together Joe? We have soooo much fun together." Allison whined.

"Ally, you know I'm with (Y/N). She's nice and she's a good kid. How am I supposed to break her heart?" Joe sighed bringing the beer bottle to his head.

"So you're just with her out of pity?"

"No, I don't know. I care about her, ya know? I just don't know if we'll ever make it." Allison nodded and drank her own beer. Little did the two know, you stood on the grass just a few feet away from the porch.

*End of Flashback*

"You don't love me. You haven't ever since the pregnancy scare we had." You sniffled.


"Don't gimme that bullshit, Joe! You haven't touched me since. You used to kiss me all the time an-and we would make love. Now it's just we're roommates. You were so scared of having more with me, you looked for any excuse to distance yourself."

"What are you saying?" Joe asked.

"I don't wanna leave and you don't wanna leave, but we're hurting each other more like this. We can't go on like this." You continued. Joe took two steps towards you, and you took two back.

"You don't have to do this." He pleaded.

"Oh Joey, we were doomed from the start." You said with a sad smile. You turned to the door and looked at him one last time.

"I'll get my stuff later." You promised, tears evident in your eyes, and then you left.

Joe, shocked by the events that just unfolded, sat on the couch and looked at the partially destroyed living room.

"Just look at the mess we've made." He muttered to himself.

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