Joe Imagine: I Hate The Ending Myself But It Started With An Okay Scene Pt.2

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*3 Weeks Later*

You sat in the dark waiting for Joe to walk in from his night out in the bar. You held your suitcase tightly and one hand and the hope that Joe would change his ways in the other. The door to your home opened and you heard the shuffling of surprisingly sober feet.

"Joseph." You said softly, but it echoed in the silent house. Joe turned in your direction and saw the tears staining your face. His usually hard exterior cracked a bit.

"Everything okay?" He asked softly.

"I don't know, you tell me." You sniffled.

"(Y/N)...I don't wanna do this now."

"I'm pregnant." Joe paused and looked at your stomach with a slight bulge.

"I...please tell me you're lying." He choked.

"I'm sorry." You sobbed. Joe walked towards you and pulled you into his arms.

"I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'm sorry for everything I've done to you. I'm all the times I treated you like you weren't important, because you are important. You're my world (Y/N)." Joe cried into your shoulder. He pulled away from your arms and looked down at your stomach.

"I love you, and everything growing inside of you." He said sincerely. You smiled and brought Joe's lips to yours.

"I love you Joey." You mumbled.

*4 Months Later*

You stood in the kitchen making breakfast for both you and Joe. He laid in bed trying to get as much sleep as possible before work.

Then there was a knock at the door.

You opened the door and saw police officers with their guns raised.

"M-May I help you?" You stuttered.

"Is Joseph Trohman here?" An officer asked.

"He's asleep in the bedroom." The officers pushed past you with a warrant for your boyfriend's arrest in their possession.

"Joseph Trohman, you're under arrest for the murder of Ryan Ross." The officer announced. You walked to the room, your hand rubbing your pregnant stomach in circles.

"Murder?! I've never killed anyone in my life!" Joe yelled. He fought against the officers, but ended up being carried away in cuffs. You ran after them, fresh tears in your eyes.

"Joey!" You cried.

"Don't you worry about me (Y/N)! I'll be out in no time to be back with your and our baby. I didn't kill anyone!" Joe yelled. You watched as your boyfriend was carted off in a police car.

But you just got him back.

To be continued...

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