Patrick Imagine: New Year, New Me?

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"Happy New Year!"

You watched as people cheered and pulled the person next to them into a kiss. You stood in the corner of the room sipping on a bottle of water. Every year was the same: watch the ball drop, say things would be better, have them be the same. This year you wanted something new, something exciting.

"Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but where did you get that bottle of water? I need to sober my friend up." A smooth voice asked. You turned to see a man with blue eyes watching you.

"I carry water with me when I leave the house." You answered, handing him a bottle from your purse.

"Thank you so much." The man smiled gratefully. He left and you just watched him, intrigued. He was pretty cute...

*Time Skip*

It was 2 AM when you decided to get off your ass and get home. You were leaving the party and hailing a cab, when you say the man from earlier standing with a guy with black hair. The guy with black hair was having a hard time standing upright.

"Hey, everything okay?" You asked. The man looked over at you and sighed.

"Not really. This idiot is refusing to go home." He grumbled.

"Patrick, noooo! I'm not leaving, because I didn't achieve my goal." The guy with black hair whined.

"Pete, I can wait until Valentines Day." The man, or Patrick, had replied.

"It'll be too late then!" Pete barked back. You looked between the two confused. Patrick picked up on your confusion.

"He had this goal that he'd get me a girlfriend tonight." Patrick explained.

"And I haven't completed it yet!" Pete announced.

"Meagan is probably worried sick about you."

"She'll understand. It's all for love." You saw the concern in Patrick's eye and it lead you to do something so out of character.

"Patrick, just tell him about us." You sighed. Both men looked at you as if you'd grown another head.

"I'm sorry, what?" Patrick asked.

"You can tell him we're dating. I don't care if the whole world knows." You explained.

"Patrick, is this true? You got a girlfriend?" Pete asked hopefully. Patrick nodded his head quickly.

"Yes! I just connected so well little cupcake." Patrick said awkwardly. You smiled and shook Pete's hand.

"(Y/N) (L/N). It's great to meet you." You said.

"This is amazing! I can't wait to tell Meagan." Pete exclaimed. You hailed Pete a cab and Patrick placed him in it carefully.

"Thanks for that. I don't know how I would've gotten him home." Patrick thanked you.

"No biggie, I just wanted to help and it seemed to be the only way." You shrugged. Just as you were about to leave, Patrick called out your name.

"(Y/N)! Would you like to get some lunch with me sometime. It doesn't have to be a big thing." He offered. You smiled and nodded.

"Okay. Put your number in my phone, and I'll do the same for you." You suggested. You and Patrick swapped phones, putting in contact information. When you had you phone back in your hand, you waved down a cab for yourself.

"I'll be in touch Patrick." You smiled as the cab pulled up in front of you.

"Good night (Y/N). Happy new year!" Patrick said. You closed the taxi door and sighed dreamily.

"Yes, it will be a happy new year. " you mumbled to yourself.

A/N: HAPPY NEW YEAR GUYS!!!! So, sometime later today, I'm gonna be making an announcement book, look out for that. I'm gonna post any and all announcements about all my books there. I'm trying to be more organized this year and I'm hoping this'll help. Have a great day!

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