Pref #31: Cry

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It felt like you couldn't breathe, and to be honest, you haven't felt like that in a long time. The tears just kept coming and your gasps for air became more rapid. What was happening? How did you even start to cry this hard? Your crying was so loud that you failed to hear the door to your apartment open.

"(Y/N)! Jesus, what's wrong?" Patrick cried, finding you curled up in the bedroom. You couldn't even answer. You just cried harder. Patrick dropped next to you and brought you into his warm, safe arms. You immediately clung to him.

"You're okay

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"You're okay. Everything is gonna be okay." Patrick promised, his chin resting on the top of your head. You loved him, you knew that for a fact. And you would live for him any day, fighting back the demons in your mind.


"I'm done with this Joe! I'm done being second place to your music! I just can't!" You yelled. Joe stood on the other side of the room, hands clenched in frustration and anger. Why did he do this? Why does he always do this? He's pushing you, the best thing he's ever had, away. Why?

"Stay...please." Joe growled, fighting against everything that was telling him to let you go.

"Stay for what? There's nothing for me here Joe. You've made that very clear." You sighed in defeat. You put your hand on the doorknob when his voice stopped you.

"I'm here." Joe said, his voice breaking. You turned to see the anger and sadness in his eyes, but they weren't aimed at you.

"I need you (Y/N). I need you more than I'm willing to admit to myself. You walk out that door and I'll truly have nothing. I don't know why I push people away. It's always the people I care about too. I...I don't wanna push you away, because I love you." Joe continued, tears escaping from those blue eyes.


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"Joe..." You said, trailing off. You didn't know how to respond to that verbally. So instead, you just walked towards him and crashed your lips to his. Joe kissed back eagerly. When you pulled away, you let Joe rest his forehead against yours.

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